Huuyga Vs Uzumaki - #21

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Sasuke Told Everyone About Destiny and how it can be changed but it is also true that some things are better to be not changed Like How he Changed Naruto Destiny here Drastically by Telling Everyone about his Future and Change Everyone's point of view Towards Naruto 

These People Are Watching a totally different Naruto A Naruto Who stand on his own feet his whole life, Naruto Who was totally Lonely and Hated in this cursed village, this will change and this Naruto Will also be Different in someway Then he is Because his dad is Here now from the start and I am here with him

'I just hope he regains those Memories of his Soon Because That Childhood Memories and Teaching Made him what he was ' Thought Sasuke

"Let's Continue The Memories..." Said Sasuke But Before He could Finish Someone Talked in the room and took Everyone's Attention and it was ITACHI UCHIHA 

"Why did Orichimaru Attack you He could have attacked me who had no protection from others and How come he infiltrated the village so easily that no one noticed" Asked Itachi 

After Listening to Itachi's Statement Everyone Eyes widened because its true they also have questions about Itachi but they can't ask Sasuke and because of Itachi everyone forgot about how Orochimaru infiltrated the village so easily 

'why didn't we think that how Orochimaru infiltrated the village that easily even if he is a Saannin it is very hard to infiltrate a village ' Thought Minato and Others 

Sasuke Smile after watching everyone's Reaction and he knew what They Were Thinking it was very clear to him 

"That is a very interesting question after all he infiltrated the village very easily and had too many spies under him do you know why?" Asked Sasuke 

"Because It's not an Infiltration They got the clear entry it's a major village intelligence Failure which is caused by someone who is very highly ranked in Village am I, right son? " Said Fugaku and everyone's Eyes went wide because it was the only possible answer 

'Thats Director of the Uchiha police force for you he has too much experience of war and This type of situation' thought Sasuke and Smile 

on another hand, Minato and Hiruzen were Gritting their teeth and clutching their hands 'Don't tell me he did this! But why?' Thought Both of Them 

"You will Get Your Answers After Watching sometime as to why he came here and what are his intentions As for your Second Question about you Itachi he did Attack You but You defeated him Just By a Glance of Your Sharingan that why he was after Sharingan because he saw the Power that these eyes of our posses." Said Sasuke 

Everyone's Eyes Went Wide and Stare at Young Uchiha and Thought ' He Defeted a Saannin just by a glance of his Eyes What Power!' 

"So it was because of me in The end," Said Itachi 

"Don't worry Just Watch Memories For now there are many things you had Yet to know" Said Sasuke While Clutching his Hand 

Everyone nodded and Sasuke Signal Inoichi For Memory Start 


~These Scenes Start At the Stadium with lots of People some are Locals and Some are Foreigners in the VIP area filled with Many Damiyo and in Kage Stand People Can see Old man Hiruzen Seated with Raza Kage of Hidden Sand Now people can See competitor standing on Arena Ground and in front of Them Standing Was Genma a Jonnin

"Alright guys, this is the final test. The arena is different, but the rules are the same. Either you surrender or you die, hopefully, I'll intervene before that happens."Genma Said

Genma looked at the two starting contenders. "Now, Hyuuga Neji and Naruto Uzumaki, those two stay here while the rest go to the stands."~

"So the first Match is between Those two huh" Said Hiruzen  and Sasuke Nodded 

'Neji and Naruto Match huh interesting ' Thought Minato and he was exited
~"Begin!" Genma Yelled

 Neji laughed, "That's what makes it worthwhile, it will be fun to watch when you discover the reality and break apart."

 "Stop all the blabbering, let's fight!"Said Naruto ~

'So when Sasuke said he was like Uchiha what was he meant by that ' thought everyone in the room  

'Boy filled with Darkness at a such young age because of this village' Thought Inoichi 

~Naruto started with shadow clones and charged forwards. For Neji who was far superior in hand-to-hand combat, the clones were easily destroyed.

"Again!" Naruto weaved signs and almost triple the number of clones appeared, charging at Neji. A punch connected to Neji's face, but the punch was stopped just inches from his face. A dome of blue chakra spun wildly, sending Naruto flying across the arena.~

"These are Huuyga's main family Teachnique how can he perform that," Asked Hiruzen 

"He Told Naruto That he learned that by just watching the main family perform that he was a prodigy," Said Sasuke 

'I Push that boy into an endless pit of darkness' Thought Hiruzen while clutching his Fist and mostly everyone noticed this 

~Neji was seen relentlessly thrusting his hands into Naruto, accurately shutting off all his chakra points.~

Watching That Minato Unconsiouly grabs Naruto tightly near him and didn't let go of Naruto, Sasuke understood Fear of Minato Getting Naruto hurt is big and Minato Whispered
"Don't give up son" Only Sasuke and Naruto Listen to this, and Naruto Smile watching that, how much his dad worries for him and loves him

'How will he watch Those Things' Thought Sasuke while lowering his own head 

~Naruto stood. "I'm not good at giving up!"

"Quit already, Continuing won't change anything, I have no grudge against you." Neji Said 

"Well, I do!" Naruto Said

"Insulting Hinata, automatically calling her a loser. Main family, branch family, I don't care what happened! But pieces of shit who call others losers, I'll never forgive!"~

Everyone along with Hiruzen's eyes Widened 'I made him Like That' Thought Hiruzen and his Guilt Can be seen through his eyes which were filled with guilt

"Sensei You did everything under your power it was not your mistake," Said Jiraiya 

Hiruzen smiled but didn't say anything back to Jiraiya 

'it is clear that his guilt and Failures have started to Consume him Like Me' Thought Sasuke 

~"Very well, then perhaps I should tell you about the Hyuuga's destiny of hatred." Said Neji while Removing his Headband and showing his Cage bird Seal and Told Naruto About Huuyga and How he is Just like a slave and his Destiny will change everything

Naruto concentrated as the demon fox's chakra surged within him, orange chakra flaring wildly around, looking like the tails of the fox itself.

"Here I come!" Said Naruto

An exchange of shurikens and kunai was seen, "Hey! You're confident in close combat, right?" Said Naruto

 "Become Hokage? It's impossible, look closer at reality." Said Neji

"I don't know about the destiny of the Hyuuga or whatever, but if it's too much for you, then you don't have to do anything anymore. When I become the Hokage, I'll change the Hyuuga!" Said Naruto~

Everyone Smile in the room at Naruto's Statement because those words were Nobel and ambitious Minato was proud of His Son and he pat his Head on Other Hand Hiruzen Guilt Was Growing Minute by Minute

~Naruto burst out from the ground and knocked Neji out. "Destiny can't be changed, blah blah blah, Stop saying stupid crap like that, since you're not a loser like me." Said Naruto and He won the match ~ 

Memory End 

"So when you said he was saved by someone before Neji could Enter Hell you were Talking About Naruto Arn't you Sasuke," Asked Minato 

"Yes in Naruto's Lifetime he Changed Many things including People's Heart," Said Sasuke and Minato Smiled after Hearing This 

'So He was Not only a Hokage  He was also a good Man' Thought Minato While Hugging His Son 

"You know Hiruzen Sama There is No point for you to feel The guilt and Pressure of your Failure on your shoulders Let them go you can't Change The past However We Can Change the Future You can not only Save him you can also Save Huuyga From their destiny of Hatred you Just have to Do what you had to" Said Sasuke 

'He is Right I can save that from his growing hatred and Darkness but save Huuyga How?' Thought Hiruzen 

"I know What you are Thinking I will tell you how but Not right Now" Said Sasuke 

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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