First day

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Its the day before the start of 7th grade and im anything  but exited. School is hell you may think  ive  got it easy because im one of the popular kids well your wrong bitch i dont have it easy, why i hear you ask. well its because of Dustin my bestfriend since like forever hes like one of the most popular guys at school and also a total dick. He also had a glow up this summer which is great more girls chasing him YAY.

"Omg na 7th grade" i hear maya shout from her room

Mayas my annoying twin sister shes also extremely weird and her best friend anna is even weirder to be honest they kinda scare me.

But i have to be nice to them or Mayas gonna tell Mom about- my thoughts are interrupted by sky like dreams blaring from my phone .

I look down and see the name "dusty" on my screen i pick up and say

"what do you want bitch"

"thats no way to greet your only friend" he says

"Are you being for real right now your a charity case"

"ouch clo you've hurt my feelings"

"what do you want"

"Nothing just wanted to annoy you" he says then hangs up

"No cus heather gave a handjob to both Brandt J and Dustin L" Maya says god she talks so loud also thats just a rumor dustin wishes he could get a handjob from heather

i get off my bed and walk into Mayas room

"you know you shouldn't be  talking about people behind their backs is called being rude"

"shut up Chloe your acting as if you dont do it yourself"

"you caught me there" i say while walking out of her room

i really cant be bothered to get my outfit for tomorrow out of my closet ill  just do that in the morning i turn off my light and get into bed for my nightly scroll on tiktok.

i woke up extremely  early in the morning to get ready  ok it wasn't that early in the morning it was like 6 but thats still really early i decided to wear an ovesized graphic tee which i think i stole from Dustin jeans and Dustin's Jordans (I have my own right but i just like his more sue me)

I go down stairs to see maya siting at the table  with a bowl on her head and shuji standing at the door to the dinning room/ kitchen

"What the fuck did you do" he says to maya

"Shut up Shuji"

What a great way to start the day

After a while mom says that Annas mom is here so i walk out and get into the car with shuji, maya is already there talking about something stupid i just put my Airpods in and tune them out. We stop once to pick up sam and then head to school

Dustins POV

Im just chilling talking to Brandt when i hear footsteps coming from behind I turn around to see Chloe in my t-shirt and then look at her shoes they're mine too

"I want them back"

"Uh how rude of you to greet you only friend like that" she crossing her arms

"Your not my only friend"

"Hey Brandt hey Alex you guys seen Dustin no ok then" she says grabbing both of them and pulling them into school

Chloes POV

i walk into homeroom a couple minutes late and the teacher is sitting on his desk playing his guitar while doing attendance what an absolute weirdo

"Your late" He says

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