I quickly answered.

"Hey, I'm so- so sorry. Something came up as soon as I was about to leave the door. Can we reschedule some time soon?" I hesitantly said as I nibble on my bottom lip.

"Yeah, of course no worries. I hope everything is okay on your end." He said making me release a breath.

"Okay thank you so much for being understanding." I said and he hummed.

"Of course." He said before I hung up and placed my phone down and sigh. "I got ready for nothing, thanks for the one and only Rex." I spat and he shrugged making me flip him off.

"This is exactly why I'm not signing those papers, get someone else to do it." I spat and he chuckled.

"Principessa, your talking out you neck now... I picked you and it's staying you." He rasped out as he stood up standing up to his full height.

"Rex you can leave." I quietly said as he approached me and gently grabbed my chin. "Thank you." He deeply said before planting a soft kiss on my cheek leaving a trail of fire.

He turned his back towards me but stopped. "By the way you look beautiful tonight, what a shame your date can't see you." He said knowing he's smirking before walking out the door.


Rex capo

Am I crazy enough to shoot myself so she wouldn't go to that date? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes.

Am I crazy? Yes.
Am I a psycho? Indeed.
Am I delusional? Very.

She looked so beautiful.

Her figure, her face, hell everything about her is beautiful. The people who were running and taking on her floor were some of a couple of people I knew.

Everything was staged just so I could see her.

How did I know she was going on a date?

She peeped my black car and squinted her beautiful brown eyes at me as I stared back at her but she couldn't see because of the illegal tints.

I sat down on my couch and closed my eyes but my phone rung making me groan. I sat up and answered the call.

"Speak." I bluntly said. "Your dumb ass did not shoot yourself over her." Nico growled over the phone making me roll my eyes and lay back down.

"I did." I said and he chuckled. "Your fucking crazy over a women who doesn't want you and who's talking to Damien." Nico said making me sit up and furrow my eyebrows.

"Damien as in Damien Salvatore?" I asked and he hummed a yes making my ears ring. "That mother fucker." I growled out.

"Open the door." Nico said before clicking off the line. I quickly went to open the door and Nico and Damien appeared.

"Well if it isn't the man who's trying to steal Maliah." I spat and Damien smirked before dabbing me up.

"It seems she doesn't want nothing to do with you. I think she has a thing for black men." Damien spat as I let go of his hand.

"She wants me she's just stubborn." I said making Nico snicker and Damien chuckle. "We all know she's not interested in you that's exactly why she hasn't signed the marriage papers but for me when I give her my marriage papers she will be quick to sign them." Damien said making me deeply laugh.

"Cocky and Biting my style huh?" I closed the door after they walked in and sat on the couch. "She's beautiful, someone has to put a ring on that finger. Plus, you don't need that billion dollar money deal your already filthy rich... I need it." Damien said and I shrugged.

"I don't care about the money, I care about maliah having a rock on her finger that you can't afford D." I spat as I went to the kitchen to grab the drinks.

"Even if I can't afford a rock I'm going to make sure she lives lavishly." Damien said as I came back with the whiskey and vodka.

Nico eyes lit up as I sat the drinks down and cups down. He didn't waste no time to pour him a big glass.

"Also I already have a head start because I know her mother. Her mother loves me." Damien bragged as I sat down and poured me a cup of vodka.

Was I jealous? Yes. But was I going to let that get to me? No.

"Fine, let's bet on it. See who she falls for first. Whoever papers she signs first can have her." Damien said as I took a sip of my drink.

"2 million." I rasped out and he nodded. "Deal."


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