Running Away: A hard thing to do.

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The cold wind softly blew against Kokichi's face, standing outside his lovely home with a backpack full of food and clothes. He was ready to leave. ' Today is the day,' He thought. ' Today, this very day, I will be leaving to find them. '  Kokichi took a step forward before looking back at his beloved home, it was a nice house, with nice parents, and 4 cats, but..he needed to get rid of this horrible feeling. With a deep breath and a swift step, kokichi was on his way out into the large city to find this mystery person.

Journal entry one.
It's my first night out of the house, it's really cold, I've been hearing police Syrians, I assume my mom and dad called the police. That's expected honestly, it just means they care, but I can't get caught, it's important I do this.
I've decided to camp out in an ally way near a less popular part of the city, there's an empty dumpster so I'll probably sleep in there, even if it smells bad.  I rather smell gross than freeze to death, so dumpster bed it is.

After packing up his journal and such into his backpack, he hoisted himself into the dumpster and curled up, using his backpack as a pillow for the night.

~ Time Skip: 3:30 AM, Dec 5th, 2034. ~

A loud bag from a distance sounded off, waking kokichi up from his sleep. Grabbing his backpack and putting it on, he peaked outside the dumpster, a man with a gun was yelling at a woman, he got out of the dumpster and snuck away from those people, he was back on his way to find his mystery person.
As the day went on, Kokichi started to feel a bit fatigued, his stomach was growling. Of course Kokichi was hungry, but he didn't have anywhere to sit and eat, and most of his food was probably squished and smelly from the night before. A sigh exited Kokichi's mouth, with no food, and no water, he simply continued on with a bit of suffering to endure.

~ Time Skip: 12:15 PM, Dec 5th, 2034 ~

Kokichi sat down outside a gas station after a long time of walking, he was really far from home, it was almost scary. However, Kokichi stayed strong, he had to find this person, the person he lost forever ago. Kokichi pulled his backpack onto his lap and opened it up, rumaging around before pulling out a squished PBNJ sandwich, he ate it reluctantly. Everything in his bag was kinda stinky from sleeping in a dumpster, but it was this or starve, and he rather not starve on such an important mission.
After eating, Kokichi set back on his path, walking for a while before realizing:
' I don't know where this person could be. '
The thought hit him like a stack of bricks. How could Kokichi find someone if he didn't know their location? Or their name? They could've been dead, or in a different state, or an entirely diffeent country! A horrible wave of guilt and disappointment washed over him, he had run away from his loving family, out into the dangerous world, for nothing? How could he? How selfish could Kokichi be? He turned around to go back home when he saw them.

That person. A man with Cyan hair and golden eyes, a red scarf and a black jacket.  This man was definitely the person he was looking for, he even looked the same age as Kokichi. Despite how introverted Kokichi was, he needed to speak to them, against his right mind he ran over and tapped the man's shoulder.

"Hello! Whats your name?"

                  ~ To be continued ~

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