Rehearsal or Fight?

Start from the beginning

"Uh to the ballet practice." I answered.

"Do you need some help with your things?" 

"Yes please thank you."


"Thank you sir for helping me." I said to the man and gave him 20 bucks for his tip.

"You're welcome and thank you for this." He said as he left.

I sat down at the 4th row and began eating my food. 

"Cameron! You came." Her voice, sounds like an angel.

"Of course. Here's the food and umm don't eat too much because you're dancing so I'll be eating all of these." I then smirked and she pouted. She's cute when she pouts. 

"But I thought all of those are for me. I'm sad." She giggled. Then one of the ballerinas approached us.

"Kat! They need you on stage, you're the new Kitri for Don Quixote." A ballerina told her. I guess I'll just watch her practice. 

"Umm Rena, who is she?" I asked Rena.

"Hi, I'm Lily. Katareena's best friend here in the company. You must be Cameron, the guy that she always talk about. You're right Kat, he's really handsome and omg you two look cute together. Hey Cameron, do you have friends who are also good-looking? I am also in need of a boyfriend you know."  That girl sure talks a lot.

"What the hell Lily? Anyway I have to get on stage. Lils please entertain Cameron. I don't want Cameron to be bored. I'll be back Cam." Katareena said.

"So Cameron, do you have good-looking friends?" Lily asked and I just chuckled. We sat down and showed her the Magcon boys.


It's already 4 pm and they ended. After 7 hours I can finally spend my day with Katareena with no people distracting us.  I went out to pee and when I came back I was shocked with what I saw.

Katareena was kissing a guy that I do not know who. My heart let's say was shattered. I thought I was the only one but... Who was that?! Is she playing with me? I went out of the auditorium and drove back home. I was hurt so I drove fast. 


"Oh hey Cam. Wanna play COD?" Carter asked me but I wasn't in the mood.

"No thanks Car. I'll be in my room." I told the guys. I went up my room and opened my phone. 15 missed calls from Katareena and 32 messages from her. I opened one message, and it says; "Cam! You left without telling me :(. That's rude. I'm coming to your apartment since you're not answering my calls." Okay she's coming over... WAIT WHAT?! She's coming over?! I should feel mad but deep inside I'm very happy that she'll come over.

"Cameron, come down. Your girlfriend's here."  Nash yelled from downstairs. Should I go down? I'm too lazy though. 

knock knock knock

"Cameron I'm entering your room." It was Katareena. "Cam, why did you leave? I had to catch a ride with Rex-" I cut her off.

"So Rex is his name. Is he a good kisser?" I asked her. I was kinda mad but I am extremely hurt. The memory keeps on going back and it breaks my heart.

"What do you mean Cameron?" 

"Don't play safe with me Katareena. I saw you kissing a guy! It's okay if you're on stage but no. It wasn't part of the practice. You were just kissing him and I was hurt... Are you playing with my feelings Katareena?" I asked her straight to the point.

"Cameron, you jealous kitten. First of all it wasn't Rex that I kissed, it was Ken, my partner in our dance. We had to practice our kiss because our teacher, GG told us that there was no chemistry and I was like a post so we had no choice but to practice it. I'm sorry Cam if you had to see it but I promise you, I am not playing with your feelings. You're the only one so don't be jealous." 

I looked at her, cupped her cheeks and kissed her.

"So who's the better kisser? Ken or me?" I asked her with a smirk.

"Obviously you Cameron Alexander Dallas." And she gave me a peck.

"Stay with me tonight please?" I asked her while giving my puppy eyes to her.

"Sure Cam. I'll just text Lily though. By the way, she likes both Jacks." Ah yes Lily. She told me both Jacks are cute. 

"And Cam, your puppy eyes didn't work." She said with a smirk and that showed her deep dimple.

Hi guuyyyys sorry for the late upload :((( so busy with school  but I'm trying to find time to finish this story... Anyway I hope you like itttt. Go vote and don't forget to leave a comment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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