Interim 6

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[The next entry is written a day or so after the last, with a crossed out list of bullet points that was tucked between the pages to mark it. A pink fluffball is doodled next to the written date.]


So, I popped by to visit the Hills of Progress today, more specifically to pick up Pumpernickel, but I ended up visiting and having lunch with Enya as well.


It wasn't too bad, actually, though there was a lot of stuff she told me about that I didn't even expect. And the bagel sandwich was also really delicious.




For starters, Axemera got demoted from his position as general. Serves him right for being a complete dick. Apparently, he had a manic episode, so he's down in the bone cellar until further notice, so I hope that teaches him a solid lesson about not being a dick.


They also gave Pumpernickel's weird... species a name. Harlow dubbed them Poogles, because they look like poodles and winged pigs, which is fitting, I guess. Still wish we knew what exactly they are, but with Pumpernickel now here we might get one step closer to figuring it out.


Then she told me about the fountain in the plaza of the City of Shadow, which the statue there is being swapped out for a memorial dedicated to the Guardians. It came as a surprise to me, but it was very nice to finally be recognized for one of the most ridiculous issues of all time.


Then came the heavier stuff.


It's sad to hear that Enya and Rinée are taking a break, but I am glad that she made that move for herself. Rinée has a lot of baggage to work through, so I wish her the best.


And she had hid the fact that my father is dead. No surprise there, I told her it wasn't a big deal at the time and it still isn't, yet... Still hurts she couldn't tell me outright. I now have to tell Mando about it, not to mention discuss some letters I found in the ship for Russ and I... Oh, and the fact that our mother possibly turned into a giant Heartless we brutally beat down. That to.


The more interesting thing, aside from the letters which I'll... deal with later, was that Enya gave me something that Tobias wanted to give to me originally. I'm not sure when I'll open it, or if I ever will to begin with, but I can tell it's something truly special. I just hope I can muster the courage to open it soon.


So, when I got back to the castle after all that, I decided to spiffy up Pumpernickel a bit before releasing him into the castle. I near got caught on the way to my room by Akari and Yukiya, but it wasn't too bad of a near miss.


It must have gone well, 'cause the boys showed up shortly after to drag me along on another trip. A makeup day for the one I decided to cut short, it seemed. Mando, Ib, Ummi and I. No Cal, to my surprise, but the guy seemed busy regardless, so...


It was fun, at least. We went to a petting zoo, I couldn't pry Mando away from the frogs, he seemed so happy. I had a great time watching them have a great time, honestly, even if I was just the chauffeur for them.


Then we got some shopping in, Ib and I helped Mando pick out some new clothes for his closet as well as some new furniture for his room. I found a cute lilypad table to match the weird magic froggy chair Igneel made for him, for a reading nook under his bed - with a slide, no less! Pretty much anything he could ever want, though... I'm not exactly cut out for furniture building myself, so this will be something. We also found some cure wallpapers, rugs, everything that could make his room look like a little pond! It's a shame he won't be able to see it in full, but it's the thought that counts!


I also picked up a few clothes for myself, Mando insisted on getting this strawberry beanie he had found so we could be "cute hat buddies." Love him, but the beanie is really dorky... I'll have to wear it eventually. I also finally picked up that poetry book I wanted to give to Simon... Violetta? I'll just call them SiVi. Though I guess I'll have to wait for a good time to give it to them, I have a feeling things are going to pick up pretty quick.


After all that, they wanted to go to a milkshake bar. I feel bad for poor Ummi, I have a feeling wrangling Ib was a bit of a nightmare. Those two were sugared out of their minds. Suffice to say, I think Mando's favorite flavor now is chocolate, I'll have to keep that in mind for later.


I'm gonna take a break for the rest of the day, I'll probably start working on building Mando's furniture tomorrow. He's insisting on hanging out some more, so I guess we'll have to find something else that's entertaining to do. I dunno... A picnic dinner doesn't sound half bad, might was well soak up the rest of the day's rays before the leaders magically move the sun again.

Journal of a RoseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz