Interim 3

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[Slightly smudged, a new date is written for the day after the last, more depressing, entry. A blocky shape, a bird mask, and what looks to be a chicken drumstick are haphazardly doodled in the space nearest the edge where a corner of the page had been torn off. A sidenote reads: Remember to call Russell - Ask about Firestorm - Work on finding HoP - Go gift shopping for Mandorian - Make new ornament for Tobias]


What a weird day this turned out to be! Not only am I still deeply depressed, as I should be, but I managed to get a decent few hours out of a 30 minute power nap this morning! Luckily, I spent most of my morning in the kitchen, and was accounted for in case I had a terrible power crash, so I had nothing to worry about! ... I think, anyway. I snacked on a bagel, met an [two words are crossed out here: pigeon and hawk] eagle who's actually a new member apparently, contributed to an event plan, picked on another new member who's also a bird... man-ish? An awful lot of new members I'm actually surprised! Eryn, one of the newer recruits has some secrets I almost pried out of her. I'm stuck between figuring out if she's a goddess or a vampire. My guess is the vampire, will confirm later.


Also got to know Mavis on a deeper level after she almost had the motive to take my eyes out with a butter knife. I would have let her, I did overstep on things I said after all. She's got the vibe of an older sister I never got to have, which now that I read it sounds super sappy...


Speaking of older sister, in some way, shape, or form- Another recruit is a literal child!!! His name is Ib, I think. I dunno I was too busy internally panicking after what happened to Kairos just yesterday. It must be the leftover tension from home, I don't think I did this a lot with Mandorian except when mom... Eh, it's not important. I'm worried about this child is all.


Akari made me a nice sandwich! It tasted delicious, even if I crammed a whole bagel down the hatch before then. I should ask her for recipes...


At some point, I ended up taking another power nap just on the front lawn. Surprisingly comfortable AND I was completely undisturbed! It certainly was a good day to relax.


Later, I crammed myself into one of the new trees to catch up on some reading. I found my copy of Foretellers Across the Ages buried in my storage box while deep cleaning the other day and thought it would be worth reading again. I was interrupted by Caelum showing up out of nowhere and Penna leaping around about halfway through, but I'd say it was good interruptions either way. Cal and I talked a lot about Foretellers and Keyblades, and then I got to talking about home... He knows now, that it's gone. And about the crash to. Maybe he can help? I don't expect him to by any stretch, but he offered so... Maybe I'll finally find where it is or even why my memories are so screwed up, even if it takes a few months longer. I just gotta remember to call Russ, see if he has any insight that could help. All this work would feel like a waste otherwise, right?


After that, he sent me off to go help out Igneel a bit, and by help out I mean absolutely destroy the Tumbleweed by having him give me flying lessons. I found him by the memorials, as Cal had told me. I needed to drop by there anyway to leave the glass rose. Whether it disappears or not, I don't care as long as part of me felt... fulfilled, I guess? I don't think that's the right way to put it, but what can ya do?


Anyway, flying lessons! Igneel took me to a deserted patch of space just to get my bearings. Unfortunately, I sent the ship careening into Heartless territory when little man Vinnie came dropping from the vent. He spooked me something solid! It was a horrendous flight back, the poor ship was a wreck. I offered to stay and clean when we landed, but Igneel insisted things were fine. I joked about a certificate of completion and he... actually made one for me... I hung it up on the corkboard next to my desk until I get a proper frame for it. It's cheesy, but it's bringing me more joy than anything my parents have given me in a while.


SPEAKING OF PARENTS. Iris made it a big point to tell me that I. ACCIDENTALLY CALLED HIM DAD. Oh, Seers have mercy on my soul, if he heard that I would not live with myself any longer. Igni can have the vessel, I am DONE.


Anyway, Wayrren had some sort of big dinner planned tonight and almost everyone attended. I ate a shit ton of potatoes before we all got kicked out due to some Army Drama. I had stopped paying attention, so I completely missed what it was. After that I just... came here to write.


It took me a while, but I think I finally feel comfortable here. Maybe I'm not a lost cause after all? No need to jump the gun on crazy excursions or anything, I just have to simply... be. Sounds easy enough.


Sleep's calling! Hope I get a good dream about potatoes tonight!

Journal of a RoseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora