Interim 2

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[The only new entry after the previous is dated for a few days after the last had been written. There was a doodle of a tent next to it, followed by another of a crumbling castle. It's a messy read, as if the author was half asleep while writing it. A sidenote reads: Unpack belongings again - Create speedy packing routine in case this happens again]


Sheesh it's been a hot minute... again. So much has happened that I've barely had time to keep up with writing. Let's see... Right! The last time I wrote, I mentioned something was wrong with the castle. Well, there was some sort of... not really a power outage, per say, but darkness completely smothered most light in there from what I heard. Wayrren went manic and disappeared, Caelum and Ashai got into a fight something FIERCE. Like... whole ass wyvern attacking a magic man sorts of fierce!! And as a result the entire castle came crumbling down. Wayrren's side is hella cursed, and Caelum hadn't fixed his side until today because of how much he was moping. As a result, we all had to sleep outside. Except TC, of course. The guy has a whole room to himself on the Tumbleweed we're like mere plebs to him. Though the camping at least got me some more bonding time with the crew? Not that I'm a treat to talk to. It was fun to watch Ashai completely LAUNCH Calum into an aether pool. Completely worth the constant back pain from sleeping on the dirt floor. Also had some delicious stew for lunch!! It's not every day that you can cram a whole bowl of that down in two minutes. Need to ask for the recipe sometime...


The rest of the day was... a day. I talked to the gargoyle, Penna, about food. We ended up talking about soups before they dragged me off the roof to go to a party, which I didn't mind, but the fact that we GLIDED THERE scared the shit out of me!! I hate heights... Not like I stayed long anyway, I just stashed food and went to go sit alone. Well, not alone, just far enough away from someone else that I didn't want to invade their space. Turns out that someone else was Lute. We talked a bit. Well, not talked but more... signed? I dunno, it was mixed. I did most of the talking. Simon eventually joined in, suddenly we were making baking plans. A rum cake... [A doodle of an angry face was scribbled here. Maybe the reason will follow?]


So Simon and I were tasked with snagging one of the rums from the party. Simon wanted to swap one out with a bottle of herbs, I thought it was brilliant! He prepared it, I snuck it in and swapped it out for alcohol! Nothing exciting happened, that's it. Then we went to go bake... and make dinner! Simon took off to do his own thing for a bit, so it was just Lute and I. Not a bad thing at all, in fact I like Lute! Others might find her disagreeable, but I think her hand-made sarcasm is fun!


Amaii even came in to help out for a time. She put too much chocolate in the hot cocoa, but who's complaining? Not me, I don't think... It kind of reminded me of cooking days with the old squad. It was... nice. Although the vibes were tarnished when Caelum dropped by. Stole my fuckin' dinner... [Another angry face is scribbled here.] Lute and I joked about pranking him back for stealing my food, and it led to complete pandemonium. M'anah and a newer girl, Amira, got involved, but it was only us three girls who had to suffer the harsh defeat we did. The AUDACITY. Dragging us into the castle floor and spitting us out on the lawn??? Decorated with BOWS??? I hate it here. [A third angry face is scribbled here.] I would have been angrier, but I was more worried about Lute. I didn't know what to do when she panicked, so... I just sat there. Is it bad to say I felt an emotional disconnect in the moment? It sounds awful in context, yet... Not much I can do about it now, huh?


After that, Lute and I went back in to check on the cake. I think we had a few slices then parted for the night. It's a shame it went so poorly, but the reward of a nice cake was worth it!

Journal of a Roseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن