Barca game

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There was a knock on my door. I ignored it turning over on my bed hoping they would just leave me alone but there it was again another knock.

I groan and get out of bed opening the door revealing a very happy alba "good morning" she says to me "morning" I say with a weak smile "don't be a grump because I woke you up it's nearly eleven" she tells me "I was still sleeping though" I complain

"Well do you want to come to the game with me" she smiles "what game" I ask confused to what she's on about "the Barca game do you not keep up with this stuff" she asks me "yeah sure when is it" I reply "kick offs at 2 so meet me outside at 1"

I go into my bathroom and hop in the shower which eventually woke me up. I go to my wardrobe and grab a pair of cargos and style it with a crop top and curl my hair.

"Suprised you turned up" Alba laughs as I walk towards her "why would I not turn up" I ask confused "I don't know you seem like a last minute baler" she giggle "definitely not" I say getting in the passenger seat

"I've never been to camp nou" I say as we walk inside the stadium "you've never done anything" alba laughs "I'm more of a footballer not a fan if I'm honest" I explain "that is fair but trust me after watching a game you will be a full time Barca fan" Alba tells me "I've watched a football game before alba" I laugh as we walk down the stairs to go to out seats and we were pitch side which was good.

"You're gonna have to explain to me who everyone is "I say as the players walk out the tunnel and she starts telling me one by one who each of them were

"And gavi you know him the one that was staring at you during training" she giggles "I do remember him the little stalker" I say sarcastically

"I heard that he was talking about you the other day" she tells me as kick off begins "and where did you hear that" i ask turning my head to look at her "Jana said that she heard Pablo torre and ferran talking about it yesterday apparently Pablo said that you were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen" she tells me "that is so cringey" I chuckle "it's cute though isn't it" alba says nudging my arm "definitely not and I'm not interested in him I have no time for boyfriends"

"Don't you think he's cute though" she asks "he's okay at best but not cute" I reply and a massive grin appears on her face"stop smiling it's creepy" I add and she still doesn't stop

"You should talk to him" she tells me "ha funny never happening" I reply "come on you guys would be cute" she teases "you've said that a million times" I say putting my head back
In frustration "I thought we came to watch the game to not talk about boys" I laugh "alright alright" she says putting her hands up I'll stop.

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