Girls talk

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"I'm mikky that is sira , natalia and abigail" she says to me "I'm lily it's lovely to meet you guys" I say with a smile "so are you and Alejandro dating or a thing" sira asked me "no i only moved here about a week or two ago so I don't know him that well" I tell them "hes definitely into you like just the way he was looking at you" natalia says "I don't really feel a connection too much but you never know" I tell them

"Would you like a drink" mikky asks showing me the selection of drinks they had in the cooler and I grab a Pepsi max "come on have a real drink" Abigail says nudging my arm "I can't I'm only 17 and if someone saw and took a picture I'd get in big trouble" I explain "I completely forgot you were so young" she laughs "I barley look 17 so it's hard for me to look any older" I giggle

"Hey girls" Pablo says coming over "what do you need Pablo" sira laughs "I just wanted to talk to you guys" he says sitting next to you

As he sits next to you pedri notices that he's trying to have a conversation with you so he decides to come help him out.

"You 4 come with me" he says to all the other girls but me "pedri no you're being weird" mikky says "please your boyfriends need you" he says and sira notices what he's trying to do "yeah come on guys we need to go" she says getting up "what are you guys doing" natalia says and sira just death stares her and they all get up following her away.

"That was strange" Pablo laughs and you turn to look at him really taking in his features "it was" I say with a small smile "we haven't actually properly met yet" he says "yes you just stalk me" I smile "more like you stalk me." He laughs "if you say so" I say rolling my eyes

"So I'm Pablo gavi but I guess you already know that" he says attempting to introduce himself "I did know that and you already know who I am" I smirk "I do i do" he says

"So you came with alejandro" he says "yeah he asked me to come so I thought why not" I tell him "so you like him" he asks "I never said that" I say playfully rolling my eyes "so to say I asked you to go out for dinner you wouldn't say no" he asks "you would have to prove your worthy of going to dinner with me" you smile "and how would I make myself worthy" he says with a slight smirk "you will have to figure that one out yourself and I am not interested in having a boyfriend at the moment" i say "friends with benefits" he winks "ew never wink in your life again" I laugh

Me and Pablo sit there for ages just getting to know eachother and he was a nice guy abit too cocky but a nice guy.

"Do you want a ride back we are going to the same place anyway" he asks "yeah sure" I say with a smile and we get up and go say goodbye to everyone.

Alejandro seemed abit disappointed that I was leaving with Pablo but we were going to the same place so it just made sense.

"Can you walk any slower" he laughs "I'm not walking slow you are just super fast" I say walking through the sand.

He runs towards me and crouches down and it looks quite weird "what are you doing" I ask him confused "jump on so you can go quicker" he says and I hesitate for a second then jump on.

I wrap my arms around his neck leaning on one of them so our heads were touching and he had his hands wrapped around my thighs so I didn't fall I definitely saw him blush which was so cute.

"How far did you park" I ask as we've been walking for a few minutes "just over this road" he tells me as we start crossing it and arrive at his fancy ass car.

"I know it's beautiful no need to stare" he say's interrupting you from your thoughts "shutup" I say getting in the passenger seat. "You have an attitude you know" he says getting in "I don't your just mean to me" I say

The new signing - Pablo gavi story Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ