"Our parents?" Sierra mumbled

The tall woman gave her the side eye, almost as if she was offended that Sierra said "Our" instead of "His".

"Yes, a nice couple wants to adopt you, both of you."

Sierra's face lit up, she hugged her brother tightly. "We're gonna have a family!" She beamed

Zachary danced with his big sister, "Family, family, family." he sang

The caretaker smiled, "They're going to pick you up in the morning. Get everything ready."

"What are they like?" Zachary asked, stopping to tug on the caretaker's skirt with an infectious grin on his face.

"They're kind, and they have lots of money to spoil you with." She booped his nose

"And, they're very well known politicians. The mayor and his wife." She added

Sierra and Zachary smiled at each other. They rushed to their beds and gathered all of their things.

Sierra packed Zachary's clothes for him, he was more focused on stuffing as many of his toys into his bag as he could.

"Don't forget anything, I'll get you in the morning." The caretaker waved and left Zachary and Sierra in the room.

"I betcha they'll get us a nice big room just for us each." Zachary smirked

Sierra pushed her long hair out of her face, "Maybe we'll get some nice new clothes too."

"And we'll have a mommy to tie back your hair." He bragged

The two laied down immediately after packing, despite it only being six o clock. They were overjoyed to be picked up in the morning and start their new lives.

Morning came slowly, as soon as the sun rose they shot up and ran downstairs with their things, passing the caregiver who sat in the kitchen sipping her coffee.

"They won't be here this early." She sighed

"We wanna wait!" Zachary declared, pointing to the window right in front of the driveway.

"Alright.." Mumbled the caretaker with a slight chuckle.

The two planted themselves on the couch, they stared out the window for hours until a fancy car pulled up in the driveway.

"Is that them? Is it? Is it?!" Zachary yelled to the caregiver

She nodded and walked over to get the door.

A kind looking man and woman stepped into the living room. The woman appeared to be in her early 40s. She had perfect long brown hair and tanned skin.

The man must've been a bit older, his dark skin had more wrinkles but a kind smile with shining white teeth to go along with them. He had short dark curls that sat still on top of his head. They both looked so put together, Sierra wondered if she and Zachary were fit to be the children of people who were so perfect.

The woman turned to Sierra and her brother, her shining begonia necklace glimmered as it caught a sliver of light.

"Hello, you must be Zachary, and you're Sierra." Her voice was soft and warm, wrapping Sierra up in its kindness like a blanket she never wanted to take off.

The voice was one she had recognized somehow, like it was meant just for her.

Zachary nodded enthusiastically

The man stepped forward, "My name is Michael, and this is my wife Michelle" he smiled

Sierra thought about how even their names were perfect, proper and clean. They fit them both flawlessly.

The Secrets of Charis: Before the WarWhere stories live. Discover now