Chapter 5

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~◇~ Isn't it weird that most people choose to live their lives inside generic boxes? Those few extraordinary individuals who never do, they're magickal, and yet, they are the ones perceived as weird. ~◇~

Carolaine Collins

Suppressing another shiver, Paisley turns back to me and asks quietly, "So... do you want to hear the rest?"

"A single blow of a blacksmith is equal to a hundred blows of a goldsmith. Ever heard that before? It's an Indian proverb."

When she only looks at me blankly, I sigh loudly, "Sure, carry on oh great smith..."

"Okay, there's lots more! From now on, I'll try to keep it short, okay?"

Then she mutters, "Sounds like an information overload caused a short-circuit in your brain..."

"I heard that!" but she speaks over me.

"I'll start with the staff. The same tutor the late Mrs. Blandini hired was tutoring all four boys. Whenever Mr. Reese went away on business, the tutor was in charge. Then, one day, out of the blue, Sylvia started arguing with the tutor about the strict rules and methods he's using when teaching her precious boys. But, no matter what she said, the man was not in the least intimidated or bothered. He simply refused her demands to treat her boys any differently, no matter what she threatened him with."

"Sounds like he didn't care for the new Mrs. Blandini?"

"Sure sounds like it. So, Sylvia promptly dismissed him and tried to send him off the property immediately. Imagine her outrage when he simply ignored her and walked away! Get this, the tutor wasn't simply an employee. He was related to Mr. Blandini, a cousin or something. On top of that, his official and legal contract was with the late Mrs. Blandini and not with Sylvia, which meant that only Mr. Reese could terminate that contract."


"And... can you guess what happened?"

"Mmm, let's see... Sylvia was mysteriously punished?"

Paisley rolls her eyes, "Seriously? Try again."

"Ohhh, I know, the mysterious Mr. Reese came back... or rather, he 'suddenly' appeared."

"Yep. And since Blake and Nicholas refused to accept another teacher, Mr. Reese settled the matter - the current tutor would stay. But Sylvia just made another plan for her 'two precious jewels'. She declared they needed a 'more modern' tutor that's more suited to their 'delicate' personas."

"Delicate? Did they have health problems or something?"

"Nope. Those two boys were normal and healthy. Sylvia convinced old Mr. Blandini and as usual, she got exactly what she wanted. For some unknown reason, Mr. Reese allowed it, and three days later, a new tutor for her boys arrived. But it soon became quite obvious she had other motives all along. According to the cook, that new younger tutor had more, eh, 'duties' than what was stipulated in his contract. He was regularly seen sneaking out of Sylvia's rooms at all hours of the night!"

"Noooo! That's... the audacity to do something like that right un - Wait, you said her rooms, did they have separate bedrooms?"

"Yup, it seems the old man wasn't quite as stupid... Besides that 'one night', they've apparently never shared a bed or bedroom ever again."

"Pfff. I wonder if they ever did! She could have tricked him, you know? Maybe she drugged him, then set the scene and convinced him they did!"

"Quite probable, but then, none of that can be proven. Anyway, about a year later, Mr. Blandini's health rapidly deteriorated. Of course, Sylvia then had to make certain she secured a future for her and her sons. The night before he died, a servant overheard old Mr. Blandini ask the young Blake and Nicholas to promise him that they'll always make sure Sylvia and the twins were taken care of. I think both Blake and Nicholas loved their father so much, they wanted to give him some peace of mind before he died. So, they agreed and promised him they would."

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