Chapter 3

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~◇~ Questions are merely invitations into new visions, fresh hopes and more doubts, and eventually, into believing. ~◇~

A different timeline.
A different realm.

"But... Father, I'm not ready to be tied down to that kind life! I'm still young, I don't want to change into Mother yet... There's so much I still want to do, places I want to go to! And... and all those responsibilities, a-and everything else, a union like that... I don't even want children... Well, not now anyway." 

"My darling girl, growing up involves changes, yes, but it doesn't mean the end of you. I assure you, Sitem, starting a new life partnered with your mate does not mean you're forced to become a different person. Being an adult, starting a new life with your mate... it only means that together, the both of you become better, grow into even better versions of your true selves. Becoming all you're meant to be. Together! You don't suddenly have to be different or become someone else. You are not and never will be your mother or anyone else but you, so don't compare yourself with anybody. You'll still be you. You can only ever find happiness by being you, Sitem."

"Oh father, I hear you, but you're not listening to me. I said I'm not ready! I'm not ready for any of that! Please, please, please don't force me into that life now. I'm not even a century old! Pleaasse..."

"Enough!" Her father looks at her sternly, "Quit this whining immediately! You absolutely can not avoid your responsibilities any longer. Sitem, I'm sorry, but your carefree childhood days have come to an end. It is time."

They stare at each other in silence for a moment.

Then he sighs heavily, "Why now? I don't understand why you're suddenly so desperate to continue these... these explorations, the wandering around in other worlds. And might I add you shouldn't even know about at least half of them at your age!"

Closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead tiredly, he sighs again. When he looks back at her, he gentles his voice, "Sitem, it's for your own safety, my darling girl. You know I'm not getting any younger, but I'm bound to remain in this position on the council until I'm released. You're a part of this family, you know our elevated 'status', and you know all about our responsibilities to everyone in this city. And I'm sure you'll know exactly who I'm talking about when I say certain elders have already started grumbling about the liberties you've been taking. We both know you've had more freedom than what's been allowed to any other your age."

Sitem lowers her head in defeat, clasping her hands together tightly. She stares at the floor in silence for a few seconds.

"No, none of my friends had the freedom to explore worlds the way I've had these past few decades," she mumbles, "and I apologise if my explorations have put you in a bad position, Father."

His voice is soft, "If you don't settle down with your destined mate soon, you'll be causing trouble not only for me and you, but for the rest of the family as well."

She nods but doesn't lift her head.

"Nuna-ke-ne... always such an enigma..."

Puzzled at the unfamiliar term, she looks up at him, "Nuna-what? Pardon?"

Shaking his head, he smiles sadly, "... something an oracle once said, right before you were conceived... nothing to worry your beautiful head about."

He pulls her closer for a hug, "Just know that no matter what, we will always love you."

He sighs deeply again, the lines on his face appearing to deepen.

"I love you too, Father."

Before turning away, he kisses the top of her head, "My precious, my only daughter..." 

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