Well, whatever. I didn't need her anyway. I don't need any of them!

"Merde! We must move forward with the plan, mon amie!" What the hell is he even saying? Bakugo's not even sure he's really french. Not that he cares enough to ask.

The team that was supposed to close Izuku-sensei in all scrambled to get into place. And that's when Bakugo rocketed himself back into the action. Like hell he was letting them have all the glory! He was going to be the one to beat their teacher, not anyone else.

Little infernos burst off of his hand, propelling him haphazardly into the sky. His cheeks felt like they were about to fall off of his face when he barreled back down. He might have been a little too hasty in aiming where he was going to end up though, because instead of hitting Izuku-sensei, he fell right into Icyhot.


"Bakugo. You're on me." Dumb bitch.

"WHATEVER. LIKE I GIVE A SHIT, YOU USELESS PIECE OF CRAP!" Bakugo was doing his best to struggle off of Todoroki, but their hero costumes had somehow gotten intertangled and the buttons that Bakugo didn't even know existed were stuck together.

'Bakubro! Follow the plan, man!" School Supplies was twisting his tape around Mineta's purple balls,- and now Bakugo wants to throw up just thinking about that- the sticky binding substance wrapping around the area they were closing off. Iida had grabbed his other elbow dispenser from Office Depot's creepy-as-hell elbow and was now going the opposite direction so their efficiency was increased and they could block off all exits faster.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, FREAK!" Bakugo roared right back at him. Like hell he was going to listen to some shitty extra that hadn't even passed his finals and had to let the little sniveling grape do it for him. What a pathetic little-

"Bakugo! Stay out of the way," Sugar Rush shouted at him. Honestly, he had no idea what his real name is, just like half of the class, but he didn't really care either. "You're gonna mess-"

"MESS WHAT?!" How dare he! Bakugo wasn't going to mess anything up! He wasn't going to do it again! He could do everything by himself, and he didn't need anyone there for him. He wasn't going to need anyone ever again.

He ran at Izuku-sensei, having to jump over Half-and-half to do so. But their teacher had no problem easily parrying his hits, dodging and evading with all the grace of a panther. He even looked Bakugo right in the eye before he twisted his arm behind his back and threw him forward into the tape barrier Office Depot and the others had set up.

He struggled angrily, trying to peel the sticky tethers off of himself while Izuku-sensei was mercilessly taking care of Quiet and Tentacles, taking advantage of the fact that Quiet didn't have any animals in close proximity and Tentacles wouldn't hurt his friend. It was almost barbaric in the way he used Quiet as a sort of human shield, every time Six-arms got close enough to hit him he somehow maneuvered himself so Looks-like-a-rock- not his best insulting nickname, he knows- was always in between them. Bakugo might have laughed at the panic in his eyes if he hadn't been so angry.

At what, he wasn't sure, but he did know he was angry. He was always angry.

He screamed out a wordless cry of rage as he finally tore the tape off of himself, and in the process destroyed the little blockade. He could do this on his own. He wasn't going to rely on some shitty extras to do what he should be able to do on his own. Nobody was better than him. He had to be the best.


Maybe he should have paid more attention to where he was going, because as soon as he lost focus to gape at Bakugo, Izuku-sensei tripped him. Their class president ended up skidding across the ground, face dragging painfully. He ended up slamming into both Sugar Rush and Six-arms from where Izuku-sensei had cornered them. Quiet was on the other end up of the area, but Bakugo's flailing around had thrown the entire blockade out of whack and now he was stuck in the displaced tape.

UA's Immortal TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now