Prologue: Forget me not

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the night had striken the streets of london for a few hours by the time two horse , pulling a thin carriage , pummeled their way down birdcage walk. 

-Where are we right now , glen ? shouted one of the two man in the carriage , kneeled on the floor, hastily browsing trough a thick brown luggage.

the second man, in his night gown nonchalantly glared trough the window. The night was deep and blue , and only a very few street lamp had been let beaming. Tough overall you could still guess the royal palace beyond the parks.

-Well, St.James park id say ? Mister Rogers , im afraid i cant be of much help if youre not willing to tell me where we're headed and why.. 

a long silence settled, appart from the noise of the papers the first man was madly skimming trough , and the gallop of the horse outside. The tallest of the two rolled into a ball onto the carriage bench. Glen was used to leaving the Rogers manor in a rush , hurried by the young master , Tobias. But leaving in the cold of the night ,  without time to even dress up , was not common to say the least. He just knew his boss must have had his reasons. And he suspected these to be related with the case they were currently working on. 

After a few more minutes had passed, the wavy brown haired noble sat on the opposite bench , and stared into glen's green eyes.

-look Glen, im sorry for the rush, but we really need to meet with sir.Lahyafi and madam Ward.  Right now. he whispered. this is not just any evidence.. This luggage here glen.. it could contain.. 

The short-haired servant layed his hand against the paper the noble was holding.

-Any clue that could lead to finding your father ? he asked.

-I hope so... It seems to be that way at least.. Tobias muttered. But more importantly, i believe these informations could be a breaktrough in the case of the White Killer ! this is why mr.Lahyafi needs to read it. And i suspect his assistant madam Ward will be of a great  help as well.

-Really !? exclaimed Glen. This is incredible sir , how did you gather such intel ?

-Well you see , the other day when i sent mens to scout brockwell park...

The carriage abruptly stopped , the horse neighing outside. Glen bent outside to ask the driver why he had made halt, but was interupted before he could even speak by the sight of a massive fire. A full block of house was burning. Firemens had gathered and established a safe perimeter in the street , keeping the distraught citizens away from danger , meanwhile their colleagues put all of their effort into estinguishing the flames. 

By the time Tobias had layed a foot outside , he gasped; "the agency". It hit Glen , amongst the burning buildings was mr.Lahyafi's detective agency. the place where they were headed, the place where Tobias had entrusted his friend , the Count lahyafi, to keep all the evidences they had gathered on the case of the White Killer. And therefore all the clues that could possibly one day solve the case of Tobias's father disapearance. 

Glen did not hesitate one second, it was his job , his livelihood. The young man took a sprint toward the buildings ,ignoring his master screaming him to come back and jumped over the firemen's fence , punching  the ones trying to hold him back on the way. Glen landed a brawny kick onto the agency's door , causing it to shatter, and made his way inside. The building was suffocatingly hot , and smoke made the young man's eyes tickle, but he pulled trough , protecting his face with his arm. As he made his way upstairs it became very clear the building could shatter at any given moment. He knew the documents where stocked in a thin cupboard , in layafih's office by the end of the corridor. As he walked trough , he hit something amongst the debris. When he layed his eyes on it , he threw up. It was a corpse. Burned to a crisp. he couldnt even recognise someone whom might have been one of his colleagues. He carefully made his way over it , and then kept on slowly and painfully marching trough the smoke and the damaged floor.  When he finally made his way  trough the entire corridor, and opened the door to the office , glen rushed to the cupboard and quickly grabbed the files locked in it, shoving them inside his gown's pockets. He had suceeded ! The young man sighed in relief , before rushing back into the corridor.

There , he saw it. A lady standing admist the flames, visibly not bothered by the heat nor the smoke. She seemed to be covered by a very long coat. Too long actually , it was obviously too big for her and was flooding on the floor. Glen couldn't make out her face as she was wearing a large hat with a veil. Tough she was looking right in Glen's direction, it did not seem as if she was looking at him at all , at least Glen tought so. 

For a moment he could not move, he had to escape , quickly , but there was something eerie about the girl. He couldnt say what exactly , but it seemed as if she was... listening to something. After a moment the young man gathered his courage and made his way up the corridor again. When he stood next to the lady , he noticed she was about 10 centimeters smaller than him , and that she had rather chubby hands, not wearing gloves for the matter. he couldn't help but notice how she had stopped breathing. He wondered if he should just leave her here? he had to save the files.. But he couldnt just leave her burn or suffocate in the smoke! So he layed both hands on her shoulder and started shaking her. 

-Miss ! Do you hear me, miss? You cant possibly stay here , the building was set ablaze !! he coughed. Do you hear me , we have to go !

The girl broke out of her stillness , turning her head towads him. She answered in an odd voice, a bit too low in tone.

-I know it silly , i did it. She sang, joining both her hands on the side her face. Isn't it peaceful ?

- Did what ? He asked as he grabbed her hand and started pulling her toward the stairs. She seemed to follow without any particular resistance. 

-I set this place on fire.I , myself , made it , explode. She delivered , putting emphasis on the last syllabers. 

Glen freezed as he heard her, then released her hand , taking a few steps away and taking out a small knife. Only now was he realising , she seemed to be trembling. There was definitely something weird with the girl , he knew it for sure now. Appart from the fact that she had set the place on fire, it seemed as if she didn't meant any of the sound she made. As if everything coming out of her mouth was mechanical , and the string in her throat were being tickled as the ones of a violin. It was more than a transe, Glen made the connexion.

-Who are you !? Did he send you here to do the job !? He roared. pointing his blade towards her. she took a moment to respond , as if she quite didnt knew the answer herself.

-A myosotis.. thats what he said i was... now be off with you, you loofbag. she snarled , before hitting the wall toughly.

Suddently , two large wooden planks detached from the ceiling and fell right before Glen , causing the stairs to collapse. The young man didnt had the time to reach for a grasp , and before he knew it , he was on the base floor. His vision was blury, and his head was buzzing. Who was that girl with the veil and the odd voice..? he couldnt let her run.. and who was she refering to .. it had to be ...he had to catch her , or she would be a threat to his master... He tried getting up but it felt like every piece of his limbs was thorn in bits. the heat was hellish , and he could feel the smoke filling his lungs slowly. It quickly stang him , what if the corpse he found upstairs was mr.Lahyafi's , or Madam Ward's. What if the girl had been sent here to put an end to their lives ? Or worse. What if they both had arrived here sooner. Was his master a target of the attack as well ?

He heard Tobias calling his name , and tried answering , but before he knew it, he had collapsed. 

Broken Hands ; mepperfield (historical creepypasta fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now