"Is he... okay?" You ask.

"What mission is he doing?" You ask.

"Ah... if I remember right him and his crew went to the southern seas to fight off a 9 headed hydra." The scout says.

"Holy...shit." You say covering your mouth with you hand.

"It's nothing he hasn't faced before, he will be fine." The coven scout smiles.

You nod slowly and close the door behind you.

You knew he went on missions but never such serious missions like that. Hydras can kill so easily. You're starting to get worried.

An hour and a half passes. Hopefully he's almost done.

There's a knock on your door. You immediately get up to go answer it. You swing the door open and there's Hunter.

"Hunter, oh my Titan." You sigh in relief.

He looks so beaten up and miserable.

"Titan! Look at you! Would it kill you to be a little careful so I don't need to worry about you?!" You say.

"Like come on Hunter, a Hydra?!" You exclaim.

"Those things are huge! Gigantic!" You say.

He stands there all silent.

"Why would Belos make you fight one of those things?!" You exclaim.

"It killed more than half of my scouts." He says hoarsely

Your eyes widen, and you hold your mouth with you hand.

"How... how many scouts did you bring?" You ask.

"50 in total, I think about 40 died." He says softly.

"Oh my hell." You say shocked.

He nods.

"Did you end up getting it?" You ask.

"No." He says softly.

"We ended up wounding it, we're hoping it'll just bleed out and die." Hunter says.

"Hunter I'm so sorry." You say.

"It sleeps during the day time so we're going to try and retrieve some bodies in the morning." He says.

"What if it wakes up?" You ask.

"It won't, sunlight surposefully makes it exhausted so if it did wake up it wouldn't care." Hunter says.

"Well did it hurt you badly?" You ask.

"I'm fine." He says

"It just bruised me a couple times. I feel terrible, a lot of guards ended up sacrificing themselves because my life is more important over theirs because I'm royalty." He sighs.

"I hate that. Just because of the fact I'm royalty, it shouldn't matter." He says.

"I feel so responsible." Hunter says, tearing up.

"Hey, hey, you're okay, come in, sit down." You say pulling him into your room.

He comes into your room and you close the door behind him.

"Don't cry." You say.

"It should have been my life over theirs. That's so unfair to them, giving up their own lives over me." Hunter says.

"It also just shows how weak I am, having to have someone sacrifice themself for me, why couldn't I have been better?" He says.

"Hunter it already happened, there's nothing that can change that now." You say.

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