Can't someone get a decent night of sleep?

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Bea ran down the streets. She turned her head to see if the cops were still following her. Nope. Bea ran into the alleyway, gasping for air. 

"Hey,"  Bea looked up to see her friend, Goldie, hanging upside down on something Bea couldn't see. 

"What the hell?"  Bea asked, raising her arms. "You totally left me!"  

"Oh, I'm sorry,"  Goldie said, sarcastically, jumping down. 

"You should be. Remember our rule?"  Goldie rolled her eyes. 

"Start the mission together-" 

"-End the mission together,"  Bea and Goldie smiled. 

"Come on. Let's go see lover boy Jasper,"  Bea said. Goldie rolled her eyes. 

"What?"  Bea asked, grinning. 

"I don't like him,"  

"You totally do. And he totally likes you,"  

"What did you steal?"  

"Don't change the subject,"  


"Fine. A wallet. Like always. But the cops saw me. And chased me. I still got the wallet though,"  

"Good,"  Bea smiled. Goldie was probably her best friend. And that wasn't gonna change anytime soon. 

Bea jolted awake. She rubbed her head. Where was she?  Bea saw Sawyer in his little nest. 

"You're in the Jolly Roger," Bea said to herself. "You are not in New York stealing things with Goldie. You are not during the day where everything did change..." Bea rubbed her head again and put her head on her pillow. Her headaches had gotten worse since she had gone to the Land of Untold Stories. Her mini visions hurt more too. Bea sighed and tried to drift off to sleep, but it was no use. Before Bea knew it, morning had come. Bea sat up and rubbed her eyes. She poured some birdseed into Sawyer's feeder and put on a blue shirt, and gray leggings. Bea searched through her drawer for her jean jacket, but it was nowhere to be found. Bea sighed. 

"Looking for something?"  Bea turned around and saw Sunday, holding her jean jacket. Bea glared at Sunday and snatched it. 

"How're the headaches?"  Sunday asked. Sunday was the only person Bea had told about that. 

"Getting worse. And my dreams..."  Bea shuddered. Sunday rubbed her shoulder. 

"It'll only get better,"  she said. Bea smiled. 

"Thanks,"  A low rumbling filled the air. Bea and Sunday exchanged nervous glances. 

"What do you think that was?"  Bea asked. 

"I dunno,"  

"Let's go find out,"  Bea and Sunday ran out of the Jolly Roger, joining the crowd of other curious people. 

"Excuse us, excuse us. Daughter of Captain Hook and the Dark One coming through,"  Sunday said, trying to get to the front of the crowd. Bea saw her father and grabbed his arm to pull herself to the front. 

"Was wondering where you were,"  Hook muttered to Bea. 

"Glad you found out,"  Bea muttered back. Bea looked up to where the noise was. It was...kind of like a blimp...but not one. They followed it to the woods to get a better look at it. 

"What the hell is that?"  David asked. 

"It's a dirigible...from the Land of Untold Stories,"  Jekyl said. Bea sighed. Of course, it was! 

The Untold Story. Daughter of Captain Hook book 6Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora