“I guess that cuts both ways,” Melanie returned.

Her arms now slid around his neck letting herself relax, and not worry if she stood on his toes, just wanting to be closer him, almost able to forget everyone else around them.

“This time twenty years ago, I was so sure I was doomed to a live a life of misery being married to you,” she admitted, “But it turned out quite different than I expected. I never thought I would end up falling in love with you, in fact I still can‘t quite believe it,” she added almost shyly, because it still sounded strange to admit it after all these years together.

It was not often they spoke of their feelings so openly, but tonight was a special occasion

Ricardo’s smile widened, his dark eyes that use to look at her with such disdain, were now filled with warmth.

He rested his cheek against hers, with his mouth next to her ear, “I have come to love you too, my little Mouse,” he murmured softly. sending a delicious warm glow travelling through Melanie’s body, she found herself laughing at his reference to the old nickname.

He had not called her that, in a long time

The music had come to an end and everyone started to clap and cheer again, before starting to chant demandingly “kiss, kiss, kiss!” over and over again. Ricardo grinned in amusement seeing the mortified look on Melanie’s face

“Y’know we have are going to have to oblige,” he told her, letting his forehead rest against hers, so their noses were almost touching.

“I guess so,” she reluctantly agreed, then turned her face up to his, intending to give him a quick peck on the lips, to just get it over with.

But Ricardo had other idea’s. His mouth covering hers in one of his more long drawn out kisses, that had the knack of turning her into a weak puddle of goo in his arms, much to the delight of their friends and family watching on, who cheered and clapped loudly.

When it ended, Melanie buried her face into the area of Ricardo’s neck and shoulder, to hide her embarrassment, making Ricardo chuckle Then he squeezed her tighter to him before murmuring, “Happy anniversary”

Across the way, Jelena watched the little scene as she stood with Maria and George, smiled wistfully “Your parents are so cool together, ” she remarked, “You are so lucky having them”

“Yeah,” George grinned, “I am just starting to realise that myself. But we better go now and start getting ready for your début performance” he then reminded her.

“I guess so,” Jelena realised, “I am excited and scared at the same time though, I hope I can do it,” she said with a nervous frown.

“Of course you can,” Maria piped up, “we are Team X remember!,” she exclaimed gleefully, then grabbing Jelena’s hand, she pulled her friend across the ring into the back so they could go and get ready.


Jelena was not the first to make her début performance in front of Ricardo Melanie and the others.

As it turned out the youngest member of the Sanchez family Carlos made a surprise and unexpected appearance with along side his great uncle Hugo with a juggling act.

Not wanting the young lad to feel left out, after the recent problems, Hugo had offered to learn Carlos some juggling tricks. Not that he would be able to do it on a daily basis, but a ten minute performance just for his parents, would not be too strenuous on him.

And even though it wasn’t as daring and spectacular as performing on the trapeze. his juggling skills were pretty good with just so short time to practice.

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