Suddenly, Law swapped positions with a raindrop that was falling nearby and appeared right in front of Kid. His katana flashed in the lightning-filled sky as he slashed Kid across the chest, leaving a deep gash. Kid stumbled back, clutching his wound, his arm losing its electric charge.

I gasped at the sight, my heart racing with fear and concern for both of them. The storm raged on, with thunder and lightning crashing all around us. I wanted to stop the fight, to intervene somehow, but I knew it was futile. These were powerful pirates, with their own goals and ambitions, and they wouldn't back down easily.

I watched as Law stood calmly, his eyes still locked on Kid. His "Room" remained active, and I could sense the tremendous power building up inside. Kid, on the other hand, was clearly in pain, but his eyes shone with determination. He was not one to give up easily. The tension was palpable as the two pirates faced off, the rain pouring down around them, the lightning flashing in the sky. I could feel my heart beating in my chest as if it would burst out of my ribcage. What would happen next? Would the fight escalate even further? Would one of them emerge victorious, or would they both fall to their injuries?

Then, in a split second, something went wrong. Law's attack missed Kid and hit the mast of our boat instead. The impact was so strong that the mast broke, sending debris flying everywhere.I tried to dodge the pieces, but I wasn't fast enough. A large piece of wood hit me in the back, and I stumbled towards the edge of the boat. Kid was too focused on the fight to notice, and Law was too far away to do anything. I felt myself falling, the wind and rain hitting me hard. I looked up and saw Kid and Law both staring at me in shock as I hit the water with a loud splash. My heart raced as I struggled to keep afloat in the rough sea. They both stopped fighting and rushed to the edge of their boats to see me. I could see the guilt on Law's face, and the concern on Kid's. I felt the strength leave my body as I kept sinking into the dark depth. Just before my eyes closed a figure appeared in front of me and reach out for my hand. That's when everything turned black and I shut down. 


As Y/N fell into the sea, the scene became chaotic. The storm raged on, with lightning illuminating the sky and waves crashing against the boats. Kid was raging in anger and frustration. "Law, you bastard! Y/N can't swim!" he yells, his voice hoarse and furious. Law, for once, had no witty retort, no sarcastic comment. He had acted impulsively and now the consequences were clear. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. The fear in his eyes was evident as he stared out into the sea, searching for any sign of  Y/N. Kid was about to jump into the sea to save Y/N himself but Heat and Wire, held him back, knowing that it was too dangerous for Kid since he wasn't able to swim either. As Kid struggled against them, Law began to pace anxiously back and forth on his own ship. He knew that he had made a grave mistake and the guilt was weighing heavily on him. As they stand there, frozen in their own emotions, Killer suddenly takes off his helm, his hair falling down over his shoulders and covering his eyes. he placed the helm on a crate next to the railing slowly while Law and Kid watched him in silence, their eyes following each of his moves. Killer then walked up to the railing, giving Kid a confident smile before diving headfirst into the water, his strong arms cutting through the waves with ease. Kid rushed to the railing looking not only for Y/N presence between the waves but now for his best friend and brother as well. 

The rain continues to pour down, the lightning illuminating the dark sky in a harsh, unforgiving light. Law and Kid exchange a tense glance, their emotions still running high. "You're lucky if she's alive," Kid finally spits out, his voice trembling with anger. "If she dies, I'll make sure you pay for it." Law's expression is still haunted, his eyes glued to the churning water where you disappeared. "I know," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know." As they wait for Killer to return, the tension on the boats grows. Both Law and Kid are lost in their own thoughts, their faces etched with worry and fear. The storm rages on around them, the wind and rain beating against the boat with a relentless force. Minutes tick by like hours as they wait for any sign of Killer or Y/N.


I got devoured by the darkness, everything around me felt heavy and I felt that I was losing myself under its pressure. This was the second when I realised I would die. Somewhat of a Deja Vu, remembering what happened 3 years ago. The darkness felt the same, the water was cold and I was ready to die. Free from Doflamingo an end to the suffering. I felt panic arise from the depth of my heart. Not this time. This time I wasn't ready to die. I need to apologize to Law, I couldn't leave him thinking he killed me. I needed to see Kid speak with him and clarify our situation. I couldn't leave this world like this. I want to laugh with Heat and Wire again, eat Killer's amazing food and enjoy my freedom. There was no doubt I wanted to live!

That was when I felt something wrap around my waist and the pressure of the water around me getting lost in the waves. Everything was black but with every second the darkness felt easier. Whatever it was that held me made me feel safe and gave me hope. Hope to once again see the sun as beautiful as this morning. Hope to hear Laws voice and hope to feel Kids warmth just one more time.  

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