7 sumati and Vinayak against Anidita Bonding in Anirudh's birthday celebrations

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He again turned to sampoorna and told : Don't use your dirty ideas to spoil the cake I brought for Anirudh. Infact it's your duty to safeguard the cake . If anything happens to it..I won't spare you..mind it!?

Sampoorna thought: Do whatever you want .. but I won't let you father and son come close at any cost. You deprived me from motherhood na then I will deprive you from your children..This is my promise to you and she wiped her tears


Anirudh had went into Bondita's room to thank her for the strain she had taken for him and there he saw that she is wriggling with pain silently and sniffing.

Her bed is having stains and at first it didn't strike him and called her asking worriedly: Bondita..blood !? .did you get hurt anywhere

She said with forced smile covering her bed with blanket to hide stains : No baava ..I am fine.

Anirudh : No you are lying.. you got hurt somewhere and lying it to me. Wait I will call Peddamma she will treat you and raised from there.

Bondita looked worried: arey no bava it's a small thing. you are worrying by seeing blood

By the way happy birthday to you and pulled his cheeks . She asked how is my cake .

He smiled and said : It's delicious. Where did you learn this making cake

She said : From my friend And smiled but her cheeks look like they are wet. Seems like they are shining with wiped tears.

He had seen her swollen eyes and wet cheeks and asked her to come forward. Unknowingly his voice turned husky and for an unknown reason she felt goosebumps in her body. Not able to understand whether its an excitement or an unknown Fear

She got nervous and asked why. He asked her to tease : You always say that you are ready to marry me. Now what happened? I just asked you to just move your face near to me you have problem..oh my little bride..!? And placed his hand on her head

He had told this jovially not knowing that it's going to be true in future.

She said : It's not like that and forwarded her face.

He looked keenly at her face very closely . She gulped nervously and told : why are looking at me like that?

He wiped her cheeks and asked : why are you crying?

She felt very nervous and said : no bava why will I cry? Don't you know that I will make others cry but I won't cry

Anirudh: Then why are your eyes and cheeks are wet? Tell me.

Bondita: it's not like that

Anirudh got serious because he can't bear his bestie hiding anything from him it hurts him alot so he asked : ok you are not going to tell me ? Fine then

He is about to go she stood from bed and held his arm. His gaze fell on bed. It had huge stains on bed and now it striked his mind what are they

She is crying and he said softly : Bondita..and placed his hand on her cheek. She couldn't control her tears and cried more by wrapping her arms around his neck.

By listening her sobs his heart is ached and he said carressing her head: Shhh don't cry .It's quite normal and natural thing. Don't you know about this change ? Didn't sumati attaya tell you?

She said : I know baava..I know that my periods have started because I have seen my friends. I understood that I had hit puberty.. that's why I am crying that I am also growing. I was also slowly entering into elders category which I don't want in real

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