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-Few weeks later-

-Y/n's Pov-

I am sitting in the waiting room with Chacha waiting for Rui to get done with his check up

-Rui's Pov-

Doc-and now we'll speed it up a bit

Once they was done with that, they laid me down in the MRI


After I got done with the check up we went to the consultation room to talk to the doctor

R-well then shall we go over the results?

Doctor-ah, Mr.Chen I know you're very busy, so just go ahead and start with r your rehab treatment. I'll discuss your results with your physical therapist here.

I looked Y/n and at him getting up sighing

R-don't say nothing weird behind my back

Doctor-ofc ofc

Y-go wait with him my love

Cha-ok mommy

R-cmon brat

I then left out getting Charli then leaving out door getting on my phone

-Y/n's Pov-

Once Rui left out the room I sat down facing the doctor curious and scared of what he wanted to talk to me about

Doctor-have you had chance to look over Mr.Chen file?

Y-yes I've seen them...and I actually did want to ask you...am I right in concluding that Mr.Chen general state is...

Doctor-Ah..yes indeed it certainly could be better, he is exerting himself far too much. His joints are under far too much stress and his shoulder especially, is in bad shape. I'd wager he's getting by as well as he is thanks to your treatments.

I then felt the sweat come down my face and I gripped my pants sighing

Y-I see...

As the doctor was talking I thought about what Rui goes thru as an fighter

Doctor-Of course athletes are always dealing with various injuries and such...but Mr.Chen is unusually rough with his body, and so runs a greater risk of incurring new injuries all the time...maybe because he's so determined to hang on to everything, He's accomplished so far...but whatever the reason, he's been performing through the pain.

I then thought to myself of course that time he said he was lying about his injuries...wasn't actually a lie

Doctor-Mr.Chen still won't rest very often does he?

Y-no I don't think he takes any days off....

When he isnt training, he has appointments off-site...

Doctor-hmm...well I'd like him to take a full week off but I know he'll never do that...but he really does need to properly rest his body for at least a day or two, as soon as possible.

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