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-Y/n Pov-

Just like always they did little playful flirting but all i did was laugh. I never thought of it as offensive or disrespectful but they was playing and it was funny at their attempts

I was finishing up with Liam on his back when Rui comes over to me looking down at me and i paused

R-lets go i need my massage

Y-ok ill be there-


He walks away and i sigh and hurry up until i hear a pop

L-*groans* fuck!...ugh...thank u y/n

Y-ur welcome just be a little carful if u can

L-ok i will thank u again


He winks at me then gets up and i get up and walk to the room and see him already waiting for me

Y-are u ready

R-i been ready waiting on u



I had my jacket off and i held up his muscular ass leg as he laid on his back grabbing his hand under his thigh stretching it

Y-flex up ur ankle a bit more


Y-that feels ok?


Y-ok good ok now another set of ten

I have a plan on how to ask Rui what i need to and i'm scared but i have to

Y-uh Mr.Chen?

R-*looks at you*

Y-uh...i-i was wondering if i-..if i could possibly uh...get an advance...on the next month wages

R-excuse u?

He sat up a bit looking at me in disbelief

Y-i know i just got paid but...i have to move out of my place all of a sudden...at the end of the week but I promise this will be the first and last time ill ever make such a huge sudden request

R-Haa!...u must be joking!!ur telling me u already spent all that cash?!!...then u disrespect me as u leave my home after i tried to help u?...u are a funny one

His face went back to a glaring serious one

R-do i look easy to u?am i ur personal atm?

Y-i know what this looks like ok?i do and i am so sorry for my attitude yesterday

I go over on the other side then got on my knees in front of him

Y-i'm willing to do anything to make it up to u...anything... whatever u like and whatever u want as much as u like

I looked up at him tears streaming begging

Y-is there any way?

-Rui Pov-

She comes to me looking like that after someone done fucked her up...how pathetic...it looks as if someone has been touching my territory

It made me so fucking pissed i never been so angry in my life and here she is begging for money how pathetic

R- fine

I grabbed her by the shirt pulling her close

R-actually this is great there has been something i wanted to try

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