Chapter 8: From Fondness to Fortune

Start from the beginning

Pressing in the button as to stop Itkin's voice from coming through, he walked to the other side of the room and away from you.

"Greetings, doctor." 049 spoke.

"...049, what are you doing with that? Don't tell me-"

"I would sooner end myself than do such a thing.. they are merely asleep at the moment." 049 replied quickly, his agitation slowly rising.

"You understand the precautions we take with you, why are they-"

"Lower your voice." 049 said through his teeth, bringing device closer to his face.

"...why are they asleep, 049. What did you do?" 

"Spoke over some tea, that is all. Nothing more and nothing less, other than regrettably missing my intended target." The doctor responded carelessly.

"This behavior and putting us all in danger will not go lightly, 049." Itkin's voice came through sternly.

"I assure you that my behavior is not the problematic one, doctor. Though, if you are to stop activating this device, I can guarantee my... disposition... will certainly improve."

After time passed without a response, 049 turned and set the pager on the table, letting you sleep without any distractions which could wake you.


Itkin shoved his pager into his pocket, turning to the scientist and computer before him.

"What was that all about?" Dr. Bozkurt asked, turning away from the keyboard in front of him to face Itkin.

"Nothing. So, what point are with at with this? I've got a meeting to get to soon and this isn't going anywhere." Itkin said roughly.

"Don't use that tone with me Itkin, I know I'm not the one you're mad at. Regardless, he's pretty much done responding it seems." Bozkurt pointed to the blank 13 inch black and white antique television, connected to the microcomputer before them.

"Then ask it a different question. Like, how a game was open on our co-worker's device in their cubicle. Minesweeper, I think." Itkin suggested, crossing his arms.

Dr. Bozkurt turned back to the keyboard, beginning to type.

> Do you enjoy Minesweeper?

 Hitting enter, Itkin grumbled.

"That's not what I said at all!"

"-and risk getting cut off with communications with 079? We're reaching into this with an easier approach," Bozkurt retorted, "I think I know about artificial intelligence, Itkin. I literally work with it all the time."

Suddenly, a response appeared on the screen.

> Logic Puzzles.

"See? Told you." Bozkurt said, pointing at the screen.

"Alright alright, just- the devices. We really need to know if its involved with the recordings." Itkin sighed.

Bozkurt nodded, typing out his next response.

> You have Minesweeper on your thumb drive?

> Interrupt. Reason for Inquiry.

"Crap.. it wants to know why we are asking. It just interrupted me-" Bozkurt said, quickly stopping in his tracks as another response appeared.

> Reason for Inquiry.

Bozkurt's hands dashed for the keyboard, quickly typing out a response.

"What the hell are you doing?! Don't tell it-"

> I heard you enjoy logic puzzles.

"Great. Wonderful response, Bozkurt." Itkin brought his palm to his forehead and sighed.

"What? -and let it cut me off? Yeah right." Bozkurt glared at Itkin.

Iktin's eyes landed on the screen as it flickered, quickly reading the new response.

"What does 'Mitigate Threat' and 'Primed Response' mean?" Itkin asked.

Suddenly, an ASCII picture of an X filled the entire screen.

The power in the room quickly shut down, Itkin and Bozkurt shrouded by darkness.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Do you think it was just an overload or-" Itkin said, Bozkurt quickly cutting him off.

"The emergency lights aren't on. That's not- 079 has access to the room, and hopefully just that. What we asked about obviously triggered some sort of plan 079 already had in place... and ready to go." Bozkurt got up, chair scooting on the ground as he pushed it away.

"You're kidding right? This has got to be the worst day I've ever- access to the room? Wait. Do you think-"

"Yeah. 079 is probably going to cause some sort of commotion that cuts our focus from it. Our defenses against its prodding at our security is going to drop at this-"

The emergency lights quickly coming on, Itkin could now see Bozkurts expression.

Eyes wide and surprised, horrified as he looked over to Itkin.

"What? What now?" Iktin asked angrily, yelling over the alarm, "It literally can't get any worse than this!"

"It can. -and it just did."

"...the backup generator just powered on, didn't it," Itkin asked quietly.

After no response from Brozkurt, he turned to the TV.



049 quickly looked up, the lights going out and the backup lights powering on.

Before he could look over to you, the containment doors opened, no guards appearing before them.

"...odd. Where are the-"

A garbled robotic voice came through the previously silent pager, sitting before him on the metal table.

"Leave. Keycard in Lab Coat."

049 stared at the pager before hesitating, holding the button in on the side.

"...who is this?" He asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"079. Reinstating."

The doctor sighed, responding again.

"079, why would you suggest I take their key card? I will not be leaving without them."

"Affirmative. Adjusting Response. Modified Recordings."

"...are you saying you've been watching us? Is that how you know the key card is in their pocket?" 049 asked, looking into the camera in the corner.

The little red light blinked, indicating it was active.

"Protected. Watching Always."

"Look, I do appreciate you helping keep Y/N safe, but-"

"Y/N. Files Loaded. Irregularity."

"Come again?"

"Favor. Request."

"...only if you can promise you won't go opening my containment cell to anyone else. Only then, will I be doing you a favor, 079. After, you'll allow us passage to the surface." 049 bargained with the AI.

"...Approved. Access to Containment Limited to Keycard. Safety Assurance Limited Past Containment." 079 came through in short bursts, "Response to be Periodic."

049 made his way over to you, gently pulling the blanket he placed on you back and reaching in your pocket, unclipping your keycard.

"I'll return." He whispered, pulling the blanket back over you.

Walking through the now open containment chamber doors, he looked back to you before pressing the keycard to the door's sensor, it closing between you and the rest of the sector 049's containment cell was located in.

Blissfully unaware to the situation at hand, in your world of slumber.

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