🖤5th hour🖤

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first of all hi 😃have posted on here in a while

How are you doing?

Did you drink some water today?

Are you doing ok mentally/physically or emotionally?

Yall this happened to me recently 😭

So I'm sittings in class and Im Doing my work, got my headphones on blasting pink panther by scene queen and one of my classmates

Umm let's call him peanut, so peanut comes over to my table and sits down across from me and he's friends

uhh let's say fatherless and shorty come sit at my table too

I didn't really care cus I was use to letting shorty and  peanut copy off of my notes

As I was listening peanut asks me the most random question ever

peanut: ___ are you gay?

When he asked me it wasn't really a surprise b/c he has asked me the question before

Me: no I'm not gay I'm bisexual

And fatherless just had to ruin my mood with he's comment 😑

Fatherless: how are you bisexual but your by yourself like your single?

Me: will you shut the fuck up no one asked you

Fatherless: I was just asking a question damn

Me: Anyways and I'm gender-fluid

When I tell peanut made the most confused face ever 😭

Peanut: what dose that mean?

Me: it means sometimes I feel like a girl and other times I feel like a guy

Peanut: so your saying you have a dick

Me: what? No?!

peanut: damn if you were a guy I'd fuck you

Dawg I was to stunned to speak he said it so bluntly and I had to ask him could he repeat himself to make sure I heard him right

and yk I'm so thankful I'm black b/c my face was hella hot I'm pretty sure I was blushing 💀

peanut: anyways what to you feel like rn?

When he said that it touched my heart cus no one has ever asked me that

But at the same time I was just in shock  I was also still blushing and I just blurted put the first thing that came to mind..

Me: paper

Shorty: so your feeling like paper?

Me: y-yeah paper

Peanut: so you feeling like cool..can I draw on you?

Nah cus when he said that just started laughing cus I had no idea how to react to the whole conversation 😭

hooray you made it to the end thank you for reading  I'll talk to yall in the next one bye!!!!🫶🏾

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