"Nigga you don't think I know this shit Ima help you get yo shit back and ima help you with st-" he started off saying.

"I didn't ask for your help every time you help me I gotta fend for my fucking life" I said cutting him off.

"I'm back at square one this shit was so pointless B" I said shaking my head as it all sunk in.

"Tehani you know i got you ima make sure you get back on yo shit wether you want my help or not , And if you wanna listen to what the hell i gotta say or not i'm finna explain it all" He started off saying .

➪.    ➪.   ➪.  ➪

"mommy i'm hungry" Stormi said as she tapped me to wake up.

I took some sleeping pills i found in the medicine cabinet because i had a massive headache.

"Hold on" I said getting up.

It wasn't no food in this house because they didn't use it unless they needed to hide.

I didn't have a phone or anything so i was gonna have to ask one of them to take me to get something.

I remember I left my wallet in Tones car that one time and never got it out and was using apple pay and a backup card since.

"How hungry are you do you think you ca-" I was saying until the door opened.

"Here get y'all self together then we gone go" Tone said coming in and threw a few bags on the bed.

I opened one up seeing A purple iphone 14 and a new ipad.

"Ouu moonie look a new ipad" I said showing her as her face lit up.

"Thank you" she gasped in excitement.

"Thank you Keese" I said opening the phone box.

He explained to me earlier the whole situation and why I couldn't know bs so i guess i'm not as mad as I was before.

I took the stuff out the bag and went into the bathroom to take storm a quick bath. I washed her up and dried her off putting her underwear and under shirt on her sending her into the room with Tone to finish getting ready.

I then hopped in the shower real quick doing what i had to do then getting out to get dressed.

"You ready" he asked as i came out the bathroom

I nodded my head then we left out.

"You alright" I asked turning around to face storm.

"Just hungry" She said playing with her a new ipad.

"What you want to eat" Tone asked as he drove.



We was not at Tone house and i sat at the kitchen table with stormi as she ate and i tried to get my old stuff back to my new phone.

"TEE" I heard tone yell my name from upstairs.

"HUH" I yelled back but no answer.

I hate ts.

"You wanna finish eating or come with me" I asked storm.

"Eat" She said as she stuffed her mouth.

"How about being your food" I said picking her plate up and putting her on my hip.

We went up the stairs up to tone room to see him laying across his bed with a blunt in his mouth.

"Go in there im coming" I said pointing to the room he gave her here and giving her her plate.

"Ok" She said going into her room.

"Yea" I said sitting beside him on the bed and he just stared at me as he smoked.

He stood up grabbing my hand and dragging me into the bathroom after him.

He sat me on the counter then went into the cabinet pulling out a first aid-kit.

"I did that already" I said.

"Yeen do it right" He said as blew smoke out and sat his roach down.

"I promise you I won't ever leave you again ima kill them bitch ass niggas who did this lame ass shit" He said as he cleaned my face.

"It's coo" I said as i moved my head a little.

"Yeah you said that but shit anit coo at all" He said.

"See niggas anit do shit for real you got a lil cut and bruise and shit but that anit nun" He said putting a band aid on my cut.

"Thank you" I said looking in the mirror looking at myself.

"You still look good as hell" He said wrapping his arm around my waist making me laugh.

"I guess" I mumbled.

"You wanna moving in with me" he said staring at me thru the mirror with his low eyes.

"Question or " i said looking at him confused.

" No i'm telling you we can take moonie back and forth to school until we switch her school assum i'll send somebody to go get yo car tomorrow and ima take y'all to replace y'all shit tomorrow" He said.

"I-" i stared to say until he cut me off.

"Don't argue with it that's that" He said leaving out the bathroom as I followed him.

"Ima help you get back on yo shit cause i was the cause of you losing it all"

"ok" I said sitting on the bed beside him.

"You like this house" He asked as he lit another blunt.

"Yeah it's nice and it got a lot of space" I responded.

"Ima move us like some even bigger for our 7kids" He said looking at me with a grin on his face.

"You want 7 i only what like 3 at most" I said laughing .

"Yeah we just gotta have six more we already got one" He said

"I want a big ass family with bout two dogs a big nice ass house with boujie kids I want my kids spoon fed diamond spoon actually mostly boys tho so I can be a football dad assum shit or whatever they wanna do expect soccer that shit lame as hell" He started.

"I never thought about having a big family and I don't really like dogs but the other parts sounds nice" I laughed.

"Yeah i want a big family so when they parents die they have eachother and won't gotta worry bout no other shit" He added.

"Yeah yeah I get that" I said.

"You wanna get married tho" i asked.

"Yeah do you" He asked.

"Yeah I want a winter wedding a big one with a dress with a long train but sage green and gold like i can't really explain- with flowers everywhere like a lot of flowers gold chairs and soul food not that nasty white shit that's all i can think of right now" I started

"OU wait and a nice diamond ring but in gold if that makes sense because I really hate silver and I would get my HUSBAND a huge gold ring like some that nobody ever has you know because like who you know really be married tho" I said with a big smile.

"And then i'll just MY HUSBAND MY HUSBAND MY HUSBAND because why not" I laughed.

"Yeah that shit sound sweet for real I want a beach wedding tho in summer asssum and blacked out with a splat of red every here and there or purple i like lavender shit lowkey" He said.

"Yeah that's nice but I would just want something big" I said.



I prolly do a big time jump in like 2-3 chapters. i'l

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