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*Third person POV*


Seven Dudes stormed the home grabbing the girls dragging them into the living room.

"GET OFF OF HER" Tee yelled as she was picked up seeing stormi also being picked up and dragged into the living room as she tried to break loose.

"BITCH LET ME GO"Lyn deja yelled as she kicked and wiggles trying to be free but the dudes were about 3x there size.

As they were dragged into the living room they were thrown into chairs and instantly tied/taped down.

"What the fuck" kajah said as she tried to moved but was literally stuck.

"Ight ima keep this shit short and simple" The man D said as he loaded his gun.

"Where the fuck is KP" He yelled as he got in the girls face.

"I SAID I DONT KNOW EM" Tee said tugging her arms from the chair.

"BITCH YOU LYING" D snapped as he hit her in the face with his pistol causing her to spit blood out of her mouth.

" NO MOMMY" Storm cried seeing her mom get hit.

"Aye shut that bitch up" Another man spat pointing his gun at storm.

A tall dude dressed in all black head to toe with a fuzzy ski mask on taped storms mouth.

"Oh that's the Lyn bitch you know why we here speak the fuck up or ima kill all you bitches" D said as he let off a shot into the tv causing them to jump.

"We don't know what the fuck you talking bout" Kajah said .

"Ight bitch ima make you remember" He said.


Another gun shot rung out as he shot Kajah in her left knee.

"WHAT THE FUCK WE DONT SHIT" Lyn deja yelled and you could hear the fear in her voice.

One of the big dudes walked up to Lyn deja and started beating her with his gun.

Tears ran down Tees face as she stared at storm tied up in a corner with taped over her mouth and tears in her eyes.

She was filled with Rage, Hurt, Fear it was nothing she could do to help.

"Bitch is yo memory refreshed yet" A man said walking up to tee was a gun to Tees head.

"I told y'all i don't know anything" Tee started off until she was hit with his fist.

"On my life yall some bitches doing this kinda shit to females" Kajah blurting out looking up from her knee.

"Oh this bitch don't know how to shut the fuck up" the man D said.

"Aye bring that shit in" D said motioning two guys that was guarding the door.

The two men left out and about 3 minutes later came back in with gasoline tanks.

"Y'all bitches anit saying shit so y'all can die protecting them niggas" The man who hit Tee said as they started dumping the gas in the floor and on the couches.

"Fuck you Bitch" Kajah yelled spitting blood out her mouth.

"Haha" D laughed as he lit a match and threw it on the floor.

"Burn you filthy bitch" He said as he left out and his people followed him shutting the door and putting the locking on.

"OH MY GOSHHHHH" Deja yelled as she tried to move out her chair.

"A'MIA"Tee cried out as she tried to free herself seeing the fire grow bigger and her little sister tied in a corner.

"I love y'all i swear we gone get out of this shit" Kajah said looking around.

The fire spreaded by the second now setting off the fire alarm.

"Moonie bring your arms over your head" lyndeja yelled out to storm remembering stormi arms are double jointed.

She learned that when she kept storm for tee one night.

"Come on moonie pleasee" Lyn deja said as she coughed on the smoke the fire was causing trying to get Stormi to move quick.

Storm then moved her arms over her head bringing her arms infront of her.

"Ok now come here untie mommy" Lyn deja said to storm as she stood up and ran to tee.

"I need you to be a big girl and be quick run into the no no drawer and get a big knife" Tee said to storm.

Little storm quickly ran into the kitchen pushing her stepping stole up against the counter opening the drawer grabbing the first knife she seen and taking it back to her mom being careful not to fall.

Even tho storm was 4 she was very intelligent for her age.

"Ok cut the rope on me" Tee said as she guided Storm what to do see the fire spreading from the door to basically half the living which was about a foot away from them to them.

"Try and go a little faster moonie" Kajah blurted out.

Storm tried to go as fast as she could being that her hands were still tied also.

Finally the rope fell from tees hands and she bent down freeing her legs and feet. She then grabbed storm cutting the rope from deja as the fire spreaded from the living room to kitchen blocking them in the dining area.

As Tee helped deja they looked over to see kajah passed out due to the smoke from the fire.

"I'm sorry we got y'all into this shit" Lyn deja said to Tee as they untied her legs .

Lyn deja Ran to help her sister Kajah while Tee ran into the back of their apartment looking for a way out as she untied stormi and pulled the tape from her mouth.

She ran onto her balcony seeing firefighters and ambulance outside of her complex.

"TEE WHERE YALL AT" Lyn deja Yelled out.

"Balcony" Tee yelled back as she ran back into the home seeing now  her home was up in flames.

Kajah limped onto the balcony as Lyndeja held her up.

"Mommy where's da" Storm said as Tee held her looking for something to hold up to get the firefighters attention.

"I don't know he should be here" Tee said as tears ran down her face adjusting storm on her hip.

"We gone get out of here stay up Kajah" Lyn deja said to kajah as she laid on the balcony weak from loosing too much blood and to much smoke in her lungs.

"What the fuck yo" Tee said lowly as she waved the red blanket off her balcony and screamed trying to get some help.

"We gone have to jump this shit getting too close" kajah said trying to sit up.

"We can fucking die you see how high up we are" Lyndeja argued as tears streamed down her face.

Tee tied the blanket onto the railing and another one onto the end throwing it over the railing so it wouldn't be that far of a jump.

"Kajah you gone have to go first" Tee said Handing her storm as storm clinged around kajah neck.


Shit i trieddd🙄🙄🙄🙄

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