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Dream has always been lucky.He got his power surprisingly young. He was twelve when he first used it, and it'd been so confusing he didn't even realize it at first. The sun had reflected off glass at just the wrong angle, blinding him and making him trip. He winced at the scrape on his knee and took a moment to look at it, and he only had a split second to realize his blood was suddenly gold-And then a car skidded off the road and hit the storefront next to him. Dream would have been hit dead on if it wasn't for him stumbling. If he hadn't been at exactly the right spot to be blinded. He had no idea what it was, but he ran home to his foster mother and cried in her arms like he was still a little kid.It was embarrassing, and he later pretended it never happened, but there was still gold blood staining his jeans. He'd shown his mother, who smiled and gently told him he probably had a power of some sort and just hadn't realized it yet.It was a few more times before he realized how it worked- how to draw on luck, to always make a coin flip in his favor, to always be the one to find lost money. His blood turned gold as he used it, and he loved it- loved the physical evidence of his cool power, yeah, but more importantly, he loved how it matched his brother's mysterious lichtenberg scar, the one he'd had for as long as he remembered."We're blood brothers," Dream whispered to Foolish from across their room. He knew it wasn't what the phrase was supposed to mean, but it meant something, didn't it? That his blood would bleed the same shade of gold that trailed across his brother's face? Foolish laughed and agreed-And then, later, Foolish discovered his own powers. Because Dream was lucky.They were fifteen, walking home from high school together. Puffy had offered to pick them up, it being her day off from her job as a hero, but they were planning to stop by the grocery store to pick up a cake. Her birthday was the next day, but she was going to be working, and they wanted to surprise her, so even though it was drizzling they made their way there.They regretted it a little when the rain got heavier. Then more when the winds picked up, when thunder roared far too close far too suddenly, when a branch from a bush whacked Dream in the face and his hand came away from the cut gold-And lightning struck his brother directly.Dream had only been a step behind him.Foolish collapsed and Dream could smell burning flesh but he ignored it to drop to his brother's side, screaming and trying to revive him-He didn't have a pulse.And then he did. Foolish's scar glowed under the overcast sky, and Dream watched through wet eyes as the gold spread, the lines becoming thicker. Much more of his face was covered in gold when Foolish gasped, opening his eyes, alive again.Dream escaped death twice because of his power. So did his brother, apparently.With that, Dream became obsessed with beating death. His luck protected him, and his brother's powers protected him, but what about Puffy? Every day, she went out and fought monsters to make the world safer for him and Foolish, but that meant that every day she was in danger of dying.Of dying to the Syndicate, especially. Immortals who had already beaten death and used it to hurt his mother.The second he was old enough, he signed up for an internship at the Hero Organization. His mother was wary about it, but he brushed off her concerns and threw himself into it. They trained him from sixteen to eighteen, and then immediately set him loose.And he was incredible. The world bends under his luck, pieces of buildings that have been standing for decades suddenly crumbling just enough to take out a villain, the wind changing direction to hide his scent from hybrid villains who would otherwise find him, always being exactly where he needs to be to succeed.Theo was one piece of that. It was luck that he was an orphan, so Puffy would be the one called in to talk to him. It was luck that she kept her license as a social worker up to date even though she had long left that life to be a hero. It was luck that Dream overheard her talk about the healer that didn't want to help people, that he was there to offer to talk to the kid at the right time.It wasn't luck that Theo adored him, though. That was all Dream's doing.It was so easy, too. Dream just had to listen to the kid chatter about whatever, and he chased after Dream like a dog. It was sweet, almost, but Dream couldn't ignore why he was here. For a healer.A healer, one that could cure illnesses and injuries. Who could be used to protect Puffy, to stop his brother from dying- and how was Foolish so accident prone? How would he come home with the gold spreading further and further, until it almost completely covered his skin, how was he dying, why wouldn't he explain himself?- as long as Dream convinced him to.But he had to start slow. Ease him into it, like a frog into a cold pot of water. Dream tried to hint at what he wanted, showing Theo small injuries he got while training, but Theo never offered to heal him. He didn't want to use his powers.It drove Dream crazy, but he kept playing nice, right up until he woke up in the hospital wing, flowers falling from Theo's hands. After that, he couldn't risk playing nice. Theo had to heal him, had to get stronger, had to.Because if Dream could bleed out on a hospital table, what's stopping George from doing the same?George. His best friend. The most important person in his life. George, who could just smile and Dream would bend over backwards for him. George, who Dream went to bat against the Blade for, almost dying again and again so that George wouldn't have to. George, who he'd bend heaven and hell and limbo for.George, who he'd force Theo to heal, too.It made Theo stronger, it made George healthy, it was a good thing! Even if it made Theo pass out from exhaustion, it was worth it, and Theo should have been glad to do it, to be able to fulfill his purpose.Dream worked so hard to keep them safe. He corrected Theo when he was being difficult, he fought monsters stronger than he could physically be, he saved hundreds, thousands of lives, the number one hero, the fucking king of Essempi.And no one fucking appreciated it.George just laid down and accepted whatever Dream did for him, like it was a given, taking it for granted. Foolish grew distant, caring more about his partners and his dumb construction business than his own brother. Even Puffy tried to convince him to give Theo away, find him a different home, as if Theo wasn't the only thing keeping Dream alive most days-And Theo. Fucking Theo. Who always wanted more.He wanted Dream to be his big brother, which tore at him more when Foolish spoke to him less and less. He wanted Dream to work less, even if it meant people would die. Fuck, Theo wanted to work less, hesitated to fix anything less than a broken bone. It was infuriating.But then Dream got his hands on the book.Sapnap Halo had been a weird little addition to their group. He had been given to Dream almost as a protege, someone for him to train and protect. His fire powers were useful, something physical to use against villains instead of relying on George's powers knocking people out or Dream having to get up and personal, but they were a double-edged sword, with how easily he could hurt the two of them as well.Dream was starting to hate letting Theo touch him, and he was sick of fucking flowers. He didn't want Sapnap's accidental burns to make him have to put up with it more.Sapnap came in handy eventually, though, beyond just what he could do in a fight. See, he thought he was keeping it a secret, but Dream looked into everything- he couldn't let himself get caught off guard. So when Sapnap snuck off to go on a date, Dream knew exactly who he was going to see.Ace. Formerly known as Quackity Schlatt, formerly the husband of the JSchlatt. The JSchlatt who would on occasion, while drunkenly evading the heroes, claim to have the key to eternal life.Dream used Sapnap's date nights to find an opportunity to break into Ace's home in Las Nevadas. From there, he found scraps of Ace's own search for JSchlatt's belongings, and from there...From there, he found the book.It wasn't exactly what he had hoped for, but it was close. The ability to bring anyone back from the dead. There was other magic in there- Withering, Weakness, spells to bring people to the brink of death- but the most important was revival. To be able to reach into the afterlife and drag people back.The cost was that their afterlife would be... unpleasant, for however long they were in it, but it would be better than actually dying, wouldn't it? Puffy would understand if he had to use it for her. Foolish would, too, if his power ran out when he no longer had unmarked skin to turn gold.And George would, if Theo fucked up enough to actually let him die.Dream liked to think he taught Theo better than that. He liked to think that Theo finally realized where he belongs- at Dream's side, to heal him whenever he needs. Then he found Theo touching the book.What would he have done with it? Gods know a teenager shouldn't have any of the power in that book- no one should, except for Dream. And yet, Theo went against what Dream told him to try to get his hands on it.He let George do whatever he wanted. Theo being unable to get into trouble was a comfort during a difficult time, when Dream was doing his best as a hero and to figure out how to use Old Magic. Sapnap... became more difficult, between his boyfriends and his growing distrust of Dream, but it would be fine- if Sapnap stepped too far out of line, Dream could easily discard him. The Hero Organization wouldn't look too kindly on him and Chronos being involved with Ace. It was Dream's own trump card.Luckily, oh so luckily, he didn't need to use it. Sapnap stopped speaking out about Theo's treatment, eventually enough that he could trust him with an awake Theo while Dream and George went out. He shouldn't have.Theo was gone.It was like the apocalypse, like the moon crashed into the planet and destroyed everything he'd ever known. Even before Dream had taught him, Theo had never attempted to leave the apartment. And he'd learned, hadn't he, not to touch the revival book, and yet that was also missing.Dream tore apart the city as secretly as he could, searching for a single teenager in every crowd, every alleyway, every homeless shelter. Then he spread outward, combing smaller towns in between bigger cities, then other cities he may have taken shelter in. He had every hero he could convince searching for Theo, but it was like he vanished without a trace. There was nothing, no sign of him, no sign of the book.It was a painful revelation to realize that Theo was just as important as the book. That he was actually dependent on Theo's powers, needing them in place of just Healing potions that made his stomach churn and had to be rationed for fear of overdosing. But it would be fine. He'd find him-He'd find him too late. Dream found George too late, after all. He'd flashed his power, his luck getting the Warden to miss his presence- and instead, he'd skewered George. Dream hadn't had time to find him a potion, only managing to get him to the apartment before George bled out in his arms.Dream was so grateful he memorized the book.George wasn't.George was so fucking ungrateful for everything, wasn't he? Dream lent him his healer. Dream was trying to discover immortality, in part for him. Dream was dating Siren's son just to drag their family secrets out of him, for George! But no, nothing he ever did was enough, not even after bringing him back from the dead.Instead, George just stared off into the distance, muttering about someone he called XD that would have taken him if Dream hadn't brought him back. Nothing Dream said would snap him out of his daydreams that this fucking- ghost or whatever would one day come back for him.And Sapnap- oh, Sapnap- he was so tightly strung that Dream wanted to snap him. Chronos went missing, Ace had gone radio silent, and Sapnap was almost as screwed up as Dream was about Theo's disappearance, but he wasn't putting nearly enough energy into searching so it was just Dream going out to look for him, just Dream questioning civilians about if they'd seen him, just Dream doing interviews, practically begging for help because no one else gave a shit-And then finally. Finally. Someone called in an accurate tip.Dream didn't even tell George where he was going as he suited up and made his way to the alley Theo had been seen camping in. He'd been so relieved to see him okay, that no one had discovered his powers and taken him. Sure, Theo would have to be punished, corrected using whatever methods necessary, but at least he could be brought home.Siren. The Blade. The Angel of Death.The fight was a blur, marked by flashes of his own gold blood dripping on the ground, marked by the horrific pain crawling up his hands from Withering, but it would be okay. Theo would heal him. Theo would bloom those stupid fucking flowers and it would be like nothing ever happened.Limbo was strange. He wasn't sure that was what it was at first, but- well, it was horrible, and Dream remembered how George had explained it. 'A personal hell that you only go to when someone's going to revive you', he said, echoing that XD person who explained it to him. Part of him was relieved, of course, that he'd be revived. Theo fucked up, of course, but he would realize his mistake eventually and use the stolen book to bring him back.On the other hand, Dream was being tortured. There was no other word for it. He lost track of time completely as his body- his soul?- went through the same experience over and over again. Dream was trapped in a doorless, windowless room as Withering slowly, slowly crawled over his skin, killing his nerves and making him feel every centimeter of his body- soul- dying. Even in death, he wouldn't be free from his fear of dying, and as soon as the last part of him went numb, he would suddenly feel his body again, only for the Withering to start yet again.Still, he held onto the simple fact that one day, one day, he'd be revived. No matter how many times he went through this loop, he'd eventually be free, and then he could get back to guaranteeing he would never have to feel it again. It was inevitable.Dream is freshly starting a loop, the burning only in the tips of his fingers, when a door opens. There's never been a door before, but there is one now, and despite the intolerable pain, he forces it down, trying to drag himself towards it. Halfway there, a hand comes into view- familiar, pale, with scars he'd placed there himself. He doesn't hesitate to grab it, and it quickly drags him through the doorway-In a flash, the pain is gone, and Dream gasps for air, air that he hadn't needed in the afterlife but he was so glad to have now. The hand releases him, and he drops to an unfamiliar floor. "Wha- what took you so long?" he tries to snap, trying to hold his dignity even now, but when he looks up at Theo-He doesn't recognize him.No, he does. It's Theo, obviously. His face is the same, if a little more filled out, like he gained a healthy amount of weight. His eyes are the same shade, his hair is still blond, it's still him- but every detail is just wrong.The Theo that stands in front of him is not the child that Dream raised, he thinks almost hysterically. His Theo never had hair long enough to braid. He didn't get to wear luxuries like the gold jewelry that the person in front of him is practically dripping in, a crown inlaid with diamonds on his head. He-He didn't have wings. Who is this?"Theo?" It's more of a demand than an ask, a demand for this person's identity."It's Tommy now, actually," Theo says, smiling down at him. Dream's already nauseous from being revived, but the feeling is worse when Theo smiles. It's... unfamiliar. When's the last time he saw Theo smile in a way that wasn't forced? That wasn't shaky and uncertain? It must have been a long time ago-And he's never seen Theo smile exactly like this. He doesn't even recognize it for a moment- is he proud of bringing Dream back? No, it's not that-Smug? "Theo," Dream starts, ignoring the fact that Theo's picked up some weird nickname. They can discuss that later. He begins to get to his feet- it's almost a struggle, he hasn't stood in so long, the Withering too painful to let him. "You're-"Dream hits the ground with a wheeze, and blinks in confusion. It takes embarrassingly long to realize-Theo just sweeped his leg. The disbelief stifles his growing anger for a moment."I said it's Tommy, " Theo repeats, almost whining. Dream winces at the pitch of his voice- it's so annoying. "It's Tommy Underscore-Beloved-Minecraft-Soot-Salmons-Halo. ...honestly still deciding the best order to that. Tommy's the only part you need to remember.""Halo- Salmons? What- what the fuck are you talking about?" Dream laughs incredulously. "What, you're just- taking random people's last names now? Where will 'Lore' go?"There's a pause, and then Theo laughs too. It sounds so... light-hearted. Like he's never had a care in the world. "Oh, shit, I forgot that was Gogy's last name- kind of stupid, right? George Lore," he mocks, and Dream's anger flares back up. "Not that it matters anymore," Theo goes on, ignoring how Dream starts to stand up again. "He's been gone for a fucking while now, yeah?""...what?" Dream asks faintly, frozen mid-motion. Theo must mean something else- George moved, or maybe he quit the hero business. It's been, what, at least a few months, right? For Theo's hair to grow that fast- how fast does hair grow again? That makes it seem like it would have been... a while, but not that long if Theo is still so baby-faced. And Dream- Dream has no idea how long he was in limbo, but it felt like-He doesn't want to think about how long it felt like."What do you mean George is gone?" Dream asks when Theo doesn't answer him immediately.Theo still hasn't stopped smiling, Dream wants to knock it right off his face. "Died, didn't he?"The world ends.But Theo keeps talking anyway. "The Organization didn't exactly pass on any details to the public, claimed he just retired. But Sapnap got all his shit, which was neat. Prime, I remember when he got back from the funeral, we ended up burning Gogy's stupid hero outfit."...how long has it been? How long will George have been in limbo? If Theo is staying it like 'he remembers when'- what, a year? How long? How long? "How long?" he demands."How long what?""How long has... has George...?" Dream has to revive him. He'll need to prepare himself for however traumatized George is from it....maybe this time George would actually be grateful."Prime, uh..." Theo thinks it over, taking far too long to consider, how could he not remember it right off the bat? "Fuck if I know. Couple decades now."...Couple decades?He's lying he's lying he's lying he's lying he's lying-"Only... two years after you died, I think, something like that. No, must've been less than that if the Organization was still fucking around," Theo rambles. "I think it was a little after when Tubs and 'Boo joined us, so like... a year and a half after you, I guess. Ages ago.""What- come on, Theo, wh- what are you talking about?" Dream asks uncertainly. Did Theo go crazy? He looks a year older at most, still just a child, even if he's- even if he's changed so much and he has those wings-Maybe this isn't real. Maybe it's a new, weird level of limbo. Like someone in charge thought Withering was getting boring, time to kick it up a notch with... this. Theo, his healer, lying about George dying, about, what...About living forever?"It's Tommy," Theo insists again, finally sounding annoyed instead of just amused. "And I was just answering your question, Dream. That's what you always said I was supposed to do, right? Answer when you asked me something? Wil says that's one of the things he owes you for-""Wil," Dream repeats, the name sour in his mouth. "Wil- Wilbur Soot. "He'd almost forgotten, in the years- years? Decades? Centuries?- spent in Limbo. Theo ran to the Syndicate. 'New jailers', he called them, but- Dream doesn't understand.Theo was a hero. Not technically, not on paper, but he was. He was Dream's healer, the strongest support healer the Hero Organization has ever had. The idea of him running off to villains was ridiculous at best... but that's what he did. He turned his back to heroism and gave himself to the Syndicate."...this is what you got in return," Dream croaks, his anger finally back. "You- you traded yourself for immortality?"The thing Dream had always been desperate for. That Dream did everything to get, that he tore apart buildings and people and his own family for. The thing that was supposed to give him peace of mind, comfort that those few attachments he had, the people he cared for that he could count on one finger, would be with him forever.And yet Theo had gone one step further.Theo has finally lost his smile, but somehow, it doesn't make Dream feel any better. He doesn't think he's ever seen Theo's eyes look so cold. "It's Tommy. And I didn't trade myself for shit, Dream. I'm not an object. I'm a person.""You know what I meant-" he snaps."Yeah, I do! You meant that I was an object. A healer, your healer, right?" Theo snorts, still glaring down at him. "It took me so long to get past that, you know? And do you know how hard it is to find a good therapist when you're a villain? I had to read fucking self-help books and shit. Those are so boring!"Dream starts to get up again, his anger flaring up further. Theo calling himself a villain, so naturally, as if it's just what he is- what he is is a healer. He's meant to protect people, to care for others, so how did he get so fucking twisted? How did he-?There's a glint of silver, and then of gold as a small throwing knife imbeds itself in his knee. Dream's leg immediately buckles under his weight and he falls again. The pain is sudden, sharp-Grounding. It makes this feel less... dream-like. Less like some new stage of Limbo, more like this is real and Theo is a villain and- and he just threw a knife at him. At Dream."Using your power to make me avoid nerves is just cheating," Theo grumbles, as if they're just playing Monopoly. Dream just gapes at him. "Next time I'm borrowing power suppressors, that's just bullshit. "Dream's off-kilter. Theo shouldn't hurt people. That's literally the opposite of what he's meant to do. And for him to hurt Dream- Dream, who took him from that farm , who gave him a purpose, who tried to keep him from monsters-"I shouldn't even be surprised," Dream hisses. "You've always been so ungrateful. " Theo's scowl falls, turning to confusion, and he presses forward. "I gave you safety, a home, a brother, and you threw it-"Theo's wings spread out, catching Dream's eye and distracting him for just a moment- just long enough for Theo to shoot his arm forward and grab Dream by the hair, holding his head still and smashing a fist into the side of his face.It's almost familiar, in a few ways. Dream is used to being on this side of it against villains. He's used to being on the other side when it comes to Theo."Never say that again," Theo says, his voice strained almost inhumanly. His nails dig into the top of Dream's skull."You weren't my brother. You were a monster. A violent piece of shit who treated me like a toy. Who tried to break me." Theo's nails dig in harder, enough to draw blood. "I have brothers now. I know the fucking difference. And I know if you ever call yourself my brother again, I'll rip your fucking tongue out."Dream just stares up at him. He can't... he can't even process this. His Theo-No.Theo. Just Theo.Tommy?This person in front of him is not the child he raised. This is a monster, just like the Syndicate. An immortal, inhuman beast, who can laugh about George's death, who can talk about decades passing like it was days.Dream can't understand it. Where did he go wrong?The monster rolls its eyes at his lack of reaction and lets go of Dream's hair, letting him fall into a heap on the ground. He just stares after it as it turns around, not even trying to get up with his injured leg."I'm not ungrateful," the monster mutters. "I know exactly what I owe you, Clay. And so does my family. There's a whole tally, you know? Blade says he owes you at least four, from hurting Wil, and me, and this whole 'disrespect for healers' you've got in general. Wil keeps adding to his, I think he's at a dozen. They're all about me, though, he doesn't even care about the time you Withered him. Fundy wants one, Sapnap wants a few hits in but he said he isn't sure if-""Sapnap?" Dream whispers, confused. Fundy- Fundy isn't too surprising. He always suspected he was more involved in his family than he would admit, considering how firm he was about not bringing them up. But Sapnap- if George is dead, then Sapnap would be by now too, right? There's no way this monster would let him live.The monster snorts, still facing away. Its wings block whatever it's doing from view. "I kept him," it says, as if that isn't even more confusing. Alarming, even. "We made up when you weren't around to fuck us both up. Plus, him and his husbands are my flock. I wasn't going to lose them if I didn't have to. It wasn't too hard to get my family to offer them eternity- Blade's friends with Ace, and Angel and Wil get how important flock is, so."That... explains nothing to him. He doesn't understand anything."Anyway, what I'm saying is- I know what I owe you." The monster turns back to face him.The monster is holding a flower crown."These aren't the same ones I grew back then, obviously," the monster says, cradling the flowers almost lovingly. "But I studied the revival book. I wanted to make sure I knew everything you could do before we even thought about bringing you back. I mean- I wasn't going to let you hurt my brother again, yeah? Not in a way I couldn't fix, anyway. So I tested everything in there to make sure I could heal it." He holds the crown up a little higher. "And I thought this'd be a good start."Dream can't look away from the flowers. He recognizes Wither Roses, of course, and the fear washes away his anger completely. "Th- Tommy," he forces out. "You can't-""I mean, I'm gonna," it says, far too easily. "And it's going to kill you. And then, when my family feels like it, we'll bring you back to get in what they owe you."Dream rips the knife out of his knee, even as it brings new pain and even more blood flowing out unhindered. He has to get out of here, he can't let the monster-Its foot slams down onto his bad knee, and it's only the dregs of his self control that stop him from screaming. "You're not going anywhere. Except Limbo, I guess." Dream desperately tries to pull on his powers, tries to get anything to happen that would destabilize the monster, give him a chance of escape, but-He's pinned. No amount of luck is enough to get him free."You know, this is the right time for me to pull out all the same fucked up shit you said to me the night you died." The way the monster's eyes glow makes it look all the more unhinged as it grins and lowers the crown, despite how he tries to pull away."Thing is," it whispers. "I don't even remember what you said. Because you don't have a hold on me anymore. This? This is just for fun."The burn of Withering rips into his skull, and-And-Dream only has an eternity of this to look forward to."I'm a healer," the monster tells him, unaffected as it watches his flesh burn and flake off. "But I'm myself first."

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