"goodnight love"

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He looked sapnap in the eyes and smiled. "i don't know what i would do without you Sap" He said, as he felt sapnaps cold hand lay across my warm cheek.

"Your perfect." Sapnap said, completely ignoring the boy, to busy admiring him. Karl looked into sapnap in the eyes, as they feel into a deep silence again.

Sapnap leaned in and gave Karl a peck on the forehead "I'm really glad you came" Karl was too stunned to speak. He grabbed sapnaps hand, holding it gently but tight at the same time. "we should get some rest, we both haven't slept in a while"

"oh right- yeah we should." He picked up karl in bridal style and placed him on his pillow. Karl started giggling, and soon they both starting laughing. "you're so dumb"
Karl said. "your dorm is so cold? how are you not freezing?" He said to Sapnap.

He ignored the fact that Karl called him dumb "oh we don't want you freezing huh?" he asked, wrapping my arms around Karl "I'll keep you warm" He smiled as he nuzzled his head into Karl's neck.

Karl gently made sure the blanket was covering both of them. He felt sapnaps warm arm wrapped around his. Sapnap fell asleep in an instant, but Karl tossed and turned thinking about what all had happened in the past 3 hours.

"sap, you still awake?" He asked

"mmm sure.." He mumbled, voice raspy. "I'm good." He said not knowing what Karl said in the first place. Karl smiled, as he realized Sapnap was half asleep. "good night love" he said, knowing he wouldn't hear him.

"okay onto it." Sapnap accidentally slapped his hand on karls face before fully going back to sleep.

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