Prologue : What Happened Before?

Start from the beginning

And so they landed, close to the center of Hage Village, near a small church.

A nun had seen them coming, and slowly walked over to them.

"How may I help you miss?" She asked bowing down.

"H-Hey...Stop with the formalities, I'm just here for a couple of days, maybe a week." Said Acier.

"I see, If you wish, you can stay at our church for the time being." Said Sister Lily.

"Really? Thanks!" Acier said.

"Sister, I'm done hanging the clothes!" A boy with black hair said as he ran over.

Nozel and Acier, both of their eyes went wide open when the boy ran over, he had a tremendous quantity of Mana.

More than Royals who were 3 years older than him!

The child suddenly becsme shy as he saw them and hid behind the nun.

"This is Yuno, he's one of the kids here at the Church." Said Sister Lily.

"Hullo!" A mini Acier said coming to talk to the boy.

He immediately ran away.

And so the mini Acier chased after him.

"Oh wait, I forgot to introduce myself...I'm Acier!" Said Acier to Sister Lily.

"I'm Lily." The nun said.




Asta held his hand while gritting his teeth in pain.

' I shouldn't have tried to hit this damn boulder..' Asta thought.

He sat down on the ground before drinking from his bottle, only then he noticed it was already evening time.

"Oh crap! I'm late! Gotta get to the church!" Asta said to himself as he grabbed his bottle and began running towards the church.

By the time he arrived back, the sun had almost set but the church lights were still on...

'Is there a guest at the church?' Asta thought as he walked into the church.

"Asta! Where were you?" Sister Lily asked as she ran upto him.

"Sorry...I kinda fell asleep in the forest." Said Asta.

Sister Lily sighed before she spoke, "I was worried you know...We also have guests today."

"Guests? Who are they?" Asta asked.

"Magic Knights, Royals." Said Sister Lily as she wiped the dirt off of Asta's Shirt.

"Magic Knights? Where are they?" Asta asked, stars appearing in his eyes.

And then Asta ran into the dining room, he was just a blur of gold to Lily.




Asta ran into the dining room startling the others as he barged in slamming the door behind him.

"Asta! Manners! We have guests!" Father Orsi said scolding the boy.

"Don't worry about it father, this is the age for kids to have fun after all.." said Acier.

"Yeah but he shouldn't act this way...Sit down Asta I'll get your food ready." Said Father Orsi as he walked out of the room.

"Hello! I heard you were Magic Knights!" Said Asta.

"These two aren't, I am." Nozel said pointing towards his siblings.

Solid and Nebra were...12 year olds, they were...weird.

" I'm a Magic Knight Squad Captain!" Said Acier.

"Really? I'm gonna be the Wizard King and Hero you know!" Said Asta.

And the room turned cold, the previously well lit and warm room became dark and chilly.

"Asta, just sit down." Said Lily.

Acier could feel the concern in the Sister's voice.

"Wizard King? Let go of those illusions of grandeur. You'll never be worth anything Magicless freak!" Nash said forgetting that they had guests.

"Magicless freak...?" Nozel said suprised as he turned to look at Asta.

He didn't sense a single drop, no a single molecule of mana coming from the boy.

It didn't make sense, everything that lived had mana.

Acier felt bad for the kid, Getting picked on by his own siblings for something he couldn't control?

It was something she had once gone through.

"Final warning Nash, start minding the way you talk to Asta, or you're on toilet cleaning duty." Said Orsi as he grabbed the boy from his ear.

"Fine old man!" Said Nash.

Asta still felt hurt but he turned back to Acier and asked, "Can you show me your magic?"

"Yeah, sure!"

I'll ask once more,
What should the Ship Be?
A/N End

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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