Ink nodded, as he then spoke out.

"Alright everyone, listen up!"

Gradient, Paperjam, Palette Roller, and BlueScreen looks at Ink, before Ink then spoke out.

"We're gonna need to change locations, and go to the AUs...the AUs that all of you wanted to see!"

This made Gradient and the others excited, as Gradient then spoke orb.

"Really?! We're finally going there?!"

Ink nodded, as Paperjam nodded.

"Sweet, always wanted to do that!!"

Palette Roller nodded his head and spoke out.

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go!!"

BlueScreen nodded his head, as he then spoke out in Binary Code, and Dream...he could not tell what BlueScreen is saying, but Ink knows what he is saying. He is saying that he is so excited to do this. Ink smiled, as Dream then opened the portal to the fused AU, which he calls, Help_Tale, as he then spoke out.

"Oh, I almost forgot!!!"

Dream went to go into the contained prisons of Nightmare and Shattered, as he then spoke out to the group.

"Okay, now we can go!"

Dream goes inside first, as the spawns then went in, before Ink enters last, and the portals closed behind the entire group. But unbeknownst to them, Systematic was watching, as Error404 then spoke out.

"Oh...they decide to go into the fused AU, which Dream calls Help_Tale. Intriguing. And he took the spawns with him. This is time...where we can finally go into the AU and take the code that remains inside of this fused existence."

Error then spoke out.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go!!"

Fatal_Error nodded, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah, it's not like the AU is going to fuse itself back into what it originally was like in the past."

Error404 spoke out.

"Then it is settled. Let's go."

Error404 then rose one of the disembodied hands and swiped it to the side, as a large glitchy portal formed in the air, and he then goes inside, the large fusion lumbers insides, before the portal the closed behind him. And then...silence.


Dust and the others are back in Hotlands, as they looked around to see how much has changed. This time, Undyne's are everywhere, as well as Alphys'. The reason why Alphys' are here, is because of what happened after the next RESET, once they had freed Undyne. After freeing the Undynes from their IT form, they venerated into Waterfalls, where they met all the Undynes that are present all over the place, and this time, they brought Underswap Sans with him, who decides to bring a bucket filled with paint, that Ink Sans had filled with his magic, for some unknown reason.

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