chapter 1

575 50 12

Taha Mailk

I smiled as I tucked her hair sticking to her sweaty face behind her ear,

"That's what I like, my doll." I cooed proud of my work on her body, I squeezed her breasts harder, turning them blue, making her scream harder,

"That's it, a few more moments," I gasped and panted before releasing in her.

she lay there half dead, I bet she was praying for death, oh but not so easily.

"You did so good, you little slut why do you cry, you cummed so many times didn't you?" I laughed as she flinched visibly when I moved,

"Poor thing you are damaged for me now, but it was fun breaking you, how did it feel bleeding three times in one week when you aren't even a Virgin?" I asked but she remained silent, of course she did after all I trained her.

"Cameron, send some men to take the trash out, and oh yeah um don't put her up for auction, but boys are free to use her before killing her" I said over the intercom and pushed her down the bed.

"Off you go little slut" I said and she looked me in the eye, I stared back challenging her.

"you'll never be happy, your days and nights will be filled with nightmares, you'll be amongst people but always lonely, you'll beg for death but it won't come" she said and i leaned forward making her crawl backwards In fear, I just laughed in response and watched as she let my men carry her out without any struggle.

"Pathetic slut" I muttered as i lined up a good amount of coke and snorted it.

I screamed as I felt someone was drowning me, I gasped and looked around to see I was still on the bed but completely drenched, I pointed my gun towards the person but calmed down as I saw Dominic my best freind and second in command.

"Are you fucking mad? you know how much time it took me to finally feel high enough?" I screamed, anger coursing through my veins instead of drugs.

"I've been calling you since an hour, you knew you had a meeting, yet you chose to get high and pass out? you do realize this is your business, and you have to work for it, not me, right?" he snapped, and I glared at him.

"You are my best friend. It does not mean you don't have to respect the boss, I should probably kill you assface," I snapped, and he threw the pillow at my face.

"Just get ready and get this meeting over with for fucks sake" he begged and dragged me towards the bathroom.

I sighed as I balanced my weight,

I closed my eyes missing the silence and tranquil drugs provide me, my thoughts eat me alive, they are like leeches killing me slowly but too slowly.

I pull my hair lightly trying to make the voices stop, but they don't, they never do.

Ayat Ansari.

"ugh stop" I yelled at the alarm and buried my head in the pillow, screaming in the pillow. I sighed in dejection as I knew I couldn't skip work, abbu needed me, I looked at the clock which read 5.15 AM and rushed towards the shower

I showered quickly using the 3 in 1 shampoo body wash and face wash. it's just cheaper.

I looked at myself in the mirror, if only I had the money for skin care like all the girls in my university.

I sighed brushing off the thought and jogged downstairs rushing towards the bakery right after I offered my Fajr salah.

My father owns a bakery which rarely has customers yet it takes so much time energy and work.

Our bakery is old, dingy and not quite instagramable which makes us the last choice for most people except for a few loyal customers.

I made batters and cleaned up and looked at the clock to see 7 clock, I quickly grabbed a muffin and proceeded for university.

I ran and ran as much as my worn out shoes allowed me to, my class is at 8.30, and there is only one train available next is 3 hours later I will lose 2 classes if I don't catch it.

I rushed through the crowd bumping and apologizing people, I skipped too many stairs at a time and ended up falling down the edge of the stair hitting me in the back, I cried but I had no time people helped me get up and I screamed as I saw the train leaving,
"NO" I screamed and tried to catch my breath, trying my best to not cry,

why is everyday a struggle, from the moment I wake up to the moment I sleep everything is hard,

I sighed hoping to get some rest till the next train and sat on the bench wincing in pain as my back came in contact with the backrest.

I rested my head to my side and tried to swallow my tears.

I studied while I waited and finally reached to the university, the day went uneventful, I don't have much freinds, first because this is a college mostly filled of rich kids or upper middle class kids and I in my thrift store clothes look out of place and second because I simply don't have time.

I got out of my class worried about how late I will be for my part-time time job that is tutoring a rich bratty kid, but someone hugged me from behind and I groaned as my back still hurt, this definitely must be Maddy aka Madison, typical pretty white girl with cute clothes which i always get jealous of, she is a acquaintance if I may say if not freind, she is freindly to me I have no idea why, because her other two freinds look down on me, I can just see it in their eyes,

"As Salam alaikum" Omar Amjad jogged towards me and I replied.

"You missed two lectures notes " he said and I smiled and thanked him as he handed me his notes,

my heart skipped a beat, butterflies erupting in my stomach, he was so cute, tall, lean, not too muscular, always wearing such clothes like fresh and summery colors, his bag resting on his shoulders making him look more handsome somehow, he was from Pakistan and it showed, he was so pretty I could stare at him all day, I brushed off the thoughts, him and I are no match, he comes from money, and me well ugh let's just forget it.

He smiled as he scratched his neck awkwardly,

" I guess" he said and left and Maddy giggled teasing me about him.

"Hey Ayat, you were late today?" she asked draping her hand around my shoulder making my hijab slip back, I fixed it as I answered,

"yeah missed my train"

"aw again? why don't you get a car?" she asked and I just stared at the road blankly.

I was annoyed by how blinded she is by her privilege but chose to ignore it because she is a good at heart, she is not your typical mean girl.

"Hey we are going to masons for lunch wanna join?" she asked as she unlocked her car,

"Ah no I can't I have to be at work I am already running late" I said and like I had the money to go to masons.

"aw come I'll drop you" I sighed and brought myself to refuse the tempting offer, since another hustle for the train looked exhausting but I saw the look her freinds gave me and refused.

"yeah Maddy let's go we have Reservations" her freind said desperate to get away from me and I smiled politely at Maddy before I left, I decided to walk to the nearest bus station as i probably have already missed the train.

I sat in the bus and rested my head on my shoulder thinking about omar, if only I hadn't had so many responsibilities I would have given myself some chance to fall in love, we probably would've fought against our families to get married or something, but I can't do that, I have to complete my BBA and find a job, then complete my MBA and give my Baba the retirement he deserves and of course Abbas my brother Abbas, which reminds me I have two more days so that I can finally go and meet him.

I don't remember much from the first book expect for main plot line so ofcourse it won't be the same as original but I tried my best.

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