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"Rafe!" I screamed, my voice trembling with desperation and fear, hoping for a flicker of emotion in his eyes,

-a sign that my pleas had reached him.

But there was nothing, no hint of compassion or mercy in his gaze.

I felt the reality of the situation crashed over me like a wave, threatening to drown me in its suffocating grip.

This couldn't be happening. I couldn't meet my end like this, not now. I'm too young.

Thoughts raced through my mind, a plea for more time, for another chance to experience all that life had to offer.

Tears flowed freely down my cheeks, a mix of fear, frustration, and helplessness overwhelming me in a wave of emotions.

With every fiber of my being, I resisted his hold, pushing and kicking. Each strained muscle, each gasping breath, a testament to my will to survive.

In a last-ditch effort to break free, I used my very last breath to speak out, because sometimes, words can shout louder than actions.

"Yeah right... end me like y-you did to the other," my voice barely squeaked out,

I sensed the words just hanging there, like a bold challenge to the encroaching darkness and the numbing sensation.

His face showed pure shock as he let go in a frenzy, giving me a chance to gulp down that life-giving air,

-It had been held back from me for far too long.

Weak and trembling, I struggled to sit up, my hand quickly reached for my neck, feeling the sharp pain every time I try to breathe in.

His voice quickly cut through the silence, laced with an edge of urgency and disbelief, demanding answers to how I know.

"I..." I began, but the words catching in my throat, the lack of air making speech an impossible task.

As I struggled to find my voice, he seized the opportunity.

his interruption cutting through the heavy silence with a sharpness that matched the steel in his eyes.

"You can't simply walk away. You know too much now." His words hung in the air like a looming threat.

In that instant, a surge of adrenaline pulsed through my veins, getting me upright from the cold, unforgiving floor.

my body protesting but my resolve unyielding.

The realization struck me hard – escape was not just a desire but a necessity, a matter of life and death.

With a racing heart and a mind clouded by panic, I try to make a run for it, attempt to outrun the close danger.

Yet, his movements were quickest, his hand snaking around my waist in a possessive grip, pulling me back into his arms.

The heat of his body pressed against mine, as his gaze bore into mine with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

"What delusion drives you to resist?" he questioned, his voice a chilling echo in the big dinner room.

He continued, "I thought I made it clear before, you aren't leaving,"

Using his free hand, he swings the door open and guides me out with him. I attempt to resist his hold, but his grip remains tight, not moving an inch.

"!" I scream, the desperation in my voice is creeping in on me. I need to get free.

Rafe's response with a laugh, a chilling sound that cuts through the air like a blade. "It's futile. No one will hear," he taunts, a grin twisting his features.

Insane  // Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now