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Nightingale Academy is a prestigious school for excellent and talented students. Not only talented but also, sons and daughters of the nobles. A.k.a Rich Kiddos.

They are Five sections according to their grades and manners. Section One, as an example, is a section for talented, rich, and excellent students. The Perfect Ones are within that section. Or so they said. As for the other sections, they are pretty normal...except for one.

Section Five. Section Five. Section Five. Hearing the sound of that section irritates me. Anyway, that section is a cautioned section. I warn you. Don't go near them! I mean, us. Urrgg, you can befriend me but not them. Section Five is the opposite section of Section One. True, they are rich and hot and...I'll leave that to your imagination. This section contains boys. A lot of boys. All boys. Chauvinistic Bigheaded Boys. Troublemakers, Gangsters, Ers ers... All in one section. And me...

I'm Vienna Raine Santillan. And I am a Hundred Percent Girlaloo. Well, I'm just a special student. An ordinary student within a rich school. It sounds cliché, really. So cliché. But I'm not some nerd, people. I may not dress well but I have looks. I guess...

Anyway, I'm a new student of Nightingale Academy. I got expelled in my previous school because I kicked my P.E. teacher in the face. I'm not really scary, I'm not a beach (ya know..), and I'm not a bad person. That teacher deserves it. My parents scolded me without hearing my explanation so they sent me here. A strict school for rich kiddos. They said it's strict yet bees are everywhere with heavy make-ups. Their skirts are so small and their blouses, the upper is unbuttoned which shows their...ummm...ya know.

Okay, back to Section Five please. I am a part of this section. I'm pretty unlucky, i know, but I'm fine, really. Boys were glaring, outside, girls were glaring. Everyone is glaring and I didn't mind them. Cuz glares can't kill.

I became part of this section because of few reasons.

1. I am NOT rich(My classmates are rich yet why am I not? Well, nvm that)

2. I got expelled in my previous school (I think they got scared so they sent me here)

3. I have low grades in my previous school (Teachers doesn't like me in there so they lowered my scores, they're so unfair. Huhu~)

4. I'm so cute so they sent me here

The last one is definitely the main reason.

As for some note, I am practicing English but I'm a Filipino. A pure one too. Definitely different from Halfblood rich kiddos. I have an extra tissue here. Gusto m--You want?

Once again, Don't dare getting inside Section Five if you're a girl. Section Five is the chauvinistic boys' lair.

A's Note:
The story is Tagalog.

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