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Stefan's POV
As I 'm sat at my desk as I write in my diary, trying to connect to my humanity again as I can feel it coming back slowly and however much I don't want to I have to deal with these feelings.Using anger towards Klaus to suppress these feelings isn't healthy or worth it.. considering the fact we can't actually kill him. As my phone buzzes with Elena's name, I hesitate before turning my phone face down on the desk and ignoring it. As it stops, theres a groan from my bed, as Faith sits up she says "hey handsome." I smirk as she sweeps her hair over her shoulder, she says "last night .. was fun?" I nod and say "I am starting to like our deal." She smirks as I stand up and walk over to her, climbing on top of her, I push her back down on the bed as she kisses me.

Damon's POV
As i wake up to my phone ringing I pick up the phone and groan when I see its Elena calling. I lean out the bed slightly and answer the phone. I say "what?" She says "I called you ten times last night. We need to talk." I say "I 'm good." She says "look if your mad at me Damon you need to get over it." I sigh and say "oh- I 'm over it." I hang up rolling back in the bed as I watch Rebekah sleep next to me.

Elena's POV
I decide to go over to the Salvatore house as we need to talk, all the originals can't die .. not Elijah.. we just wanted Klaus dead. We have to stop Esther.


Damon's POV
As I walk Rebekah out .. she says "so lets not make a big deal about this." I say "my thoughts exactly." She says "besides I 'm sure you'll come calling soon enough." As I go towards the door, I say "lets not hold out breath.." As I open the door.. Elena is stood on the doorstep, I step back as I look at Rebekah, who's smirking.. I bite my tongue as Elena looks baffled. Rebekah leaves.


I sigh as Elena pushes in and says "did you stop taking your vervain??" I scoff, buttoning up my shirt, I say "you think Rebekah had to compel me?" I laugh slightly as she says "what is wrong with you?? She tried to kill me less than 48 hours ago." I walk towards her and say "can we just move past that Elena??" She pauses before whining "so is that how its going to be now?.. I hurt your feelings and this is how you lash out at me?" I pour a drink and say "well maybe.. for once, something I did.. had nothing to do with you.". She pouts. As Faith comes downstairs.

Faiths POV
I come downstairs, wearing Stefans shirt and my hair tied back in a ponytail. I say "oh- Elena.. hi.. I didn't know you were here." She looks at me, as I place my hand on my chest, I raise an eyebrow I say "what's going on?" Damon sips his drink and says "is that my brothers shirt?" My eyes widen, as I push my tongue into my cheek.. I say "what?.. I have no idea what you're talking about." As I pour a drink, Damon says "oh- wow go Stef." I smack Damon in the chest, kinda playfully. He looks to Elena and says "why do you look like someone just shot a panda bear??" She shakes off whatever she's feeling and says "you guys should know Esther is planning on killing her entire family." I think to myself yea good luck with that.. now your kids aren't linked. I stay silent and damon says "that's great Klaus will finally be dead." Elena says "yes. But to kill Klaus she has to kill ALL OF THEM. Including Elijah and he doesn't deserve it." I scoff and say "we're supposed to care about Elijah?" Damon smirks, as Elena looks straight at him and says "shouldn't YOU at least care about Rebekah." I furrow my eyebrows confused, I say "wait- what am I missing here?" Elena says "he slept with her." I mouth "wow" as I sip my drink. Damon says "5 minutes ago you were pissed she attacked you." Elena pouts as she walks away.. Damon vamps quickly infront of her as he says "don't screw this up Elena." She says "why are you doing this?" Stefan comes downstairs and says "he's right you know.. you can't interfere." As she glares at Stefan, she looks back at me, I smirk slightly as she huffs and leaves.


Stefan says "you still think she's going to screw up Esthers plan?" Damon says "i think someone needs to talk to her.. she's not going to listen to me." Stefan says "well I 'm not surprised she's mad with who you chose to sleep with." Damon says "well its not my fault she decided to get jealous.. and it wasn't just over me brother." Stefan looks confused.. as Damon continues "she was mad about your little tryst with Faith." I stand up and say "well I 'm gonna go.." Stefan says "theres nothing going on.. just a mutually benefitting circumstance." Damon says "I know brother.. I've been around a long time .. you two are friends with some benefits... I don't blame you she's hot." I stop in my tracks I say "shut up Damon. You were the one who told her I was wearing his shirt.. she would of had no idea otherwise." Stefan looks at him raising an eyebrow and says "you did?" He says "what? I had to get some of the heat off of me sex-ing Barbie Klaus." Stefan shakes his head.

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