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I lay in bed beside him. No no that didn't happen. We were just having a hangover cuz his sister and I are in the same class. He looked at me. He asked me if I was comfortable. I said yes. He hugged me and kissed me not on my lips, but on my cheeks. He then made a smoothie. We were watching Netflix. It was fun. I don't know how big the universe is.  But he gave me all of his. The next day I went to school. But he wasn't there. I texted him, face timed but no response.  I went running to his house. I asked his sister where he was. And she told me that her parents took him to the hospital. I was worried. Highly. When I was on my way to the hospital. I saw him. Sitting on a bench. I sat beside him. All I asked was "why". Tears rolled down from his eyes. He said, "I just didn't know how to face you". I asked him to tell me what happened. He has metastatic cancer. I was lost for words. I asked him if he knew this before. And he told me that he had these symptoms but never really took them seriously. Everything he gave me was reversing back. I cried so damn loud. He hugged me. He said, "I'm sorry baby, I really am sorry. I didn't wish for any of this to happen. Wish I never really got into your life". I hugged him, so damn tight. I told him no matter how worse he gets, I'll be there for him. And not even God can stop me from loving you. I kissed him. We just sat there kissing. But this time, it felt different. I could sense all of our tears on my lips when I was kissing him. He was my guardian angel. Guess I was right. Nothing comes without a price. But life ain't something to bargain with. He was my everything. Losing him isn't easy for me. When he leaves me, I want him to feel loved. I can't just let him die with regrets. 

I loved you, love you, and will love you forevermore...

EpiphanyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora