16. Thranduil | Empty (Superhero AU) I

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Cramped was an understatement. This giant lonely home of yours was jam packed with it seems every news clipping from the first age along with crumpled, stained and obscure relic and wine bottle filled mansion you were now the owner of just about spurred on your tears again.


For your entire life it seemed you couldn't do wrong right, and now you knew why. Unwanted you were sent off to boarding school alone without any sight of the family you were supposedly supposed to be loved by.

Alone you left boarding school in the power fearing Lothlorien to move to Erebor. Just distant enough to feel safe to breath easy at knowing the hidden abilities you bore. For centuries the great lines of Kings with abilities to rival those of the Valar were now hunted down and shipped back to Valinor if showing signs of any unnatural abilites, all due to the war the great line of Finwe had begun against Melkor and his. Quietly you took your love of science and math to the community college there, without much cash to afford a full university you claimed a spot on the fire crew in their first recruiting in decades when their senior officers had been set to retire. Stunningly you had found your niche and even more so a group of friends that truly cared about you.

Though honestly what Dwarf wouldn't respect a young woman having to force their own way in the world that has traveled so far to find their own place to call home. Between the few days a week there you would fill in as a supervisor at a science exhibit in a museum for children to give them a hands on peek into the various science fields. Their timid stance around you only stood until you had been explained to that the line of Durins bore abilities of their own, shifting of Metal and Earth to their will. Something they knew might bother you with the Elven ban, but thankfully only making you settle into their group more to their great pleasure. For nearly a year you were settled nicely into your rv in the rv camp on the edge of town on the way to the mines in a comfortable living.

Comfortable and quiet, at least until a fire on the outskirts of the mines, the men cleared the path for the flames with deep ditches, then sending the dirt over the flames as they watched you turn away from the flames dropping your heavy air tank and outer jacket to sprint to a nearby digger. In a leap you were in the air and gripping the lower protruding teeth of a Nazgul that had dove for the youngest of the Durin Princes, Dwalin, Frerin and Thorin. The trio along with their Cousins watched open mouthed as you swung the beast twenty times your size at least before slamming it into the ground again. The grip on its jaw and force of the blow managed to jolt its jaw open enough for you to force it in half killing the beast as Balin and Gloin took out the rider on its back.

In a surprisingly sheepish glance at the guys you found them just a few feet away from you with furrowed brows and crossed arms before Frerin asked, "Why did you not tell us?"

"I, um..It was really close..."

Dwalin, "No, bout your abilities."


Bofur, "You just slammed a Nazgul into the ground and snapped its jaw, all on your own!"

Thorin eyed your stunned expression asking, "Have you fought Nazgul before?"

You shook your head, "First one I've seen up close."

Dwalin nodded at his loss for words as Frerin said, "First time seeing one, and you grab it by the face."

Balin let out a chuckle, "You've certainly befriended the perfect family for that reasoning, Lass." Making you smile through a weak laugh.

Thorin nodded, "We're going to have to get you a mask though, just in case something happens in town."

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