12. Thorin | Tick Tock (Modern) II

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Tale Teller Prompt Wk 2- The sea of emotion swelled, drowning him in the chaos of his thoughts.

Warning – Um, awkward stumbling oc.

Modern Thorin x my OC - Teacher x Clock Maker/Seamstress Au



Effortless as it all seemed to come together for you on this amazing day a mix of your over eagerness for your first date in forever, way back before all this drama began, and your hanging up the call from your gramps after his somehow having heard about your date, you now found yourself stuck. In a missed chord and a stumbled back step you found yourself stuck ass first with right leg bent awkwardly inside the box you had tried to step over only to fail miserably now leaving you with arms pinned to your chest as your other leg rested painfully on the edge of the box. A defeated sigh left you as you dropped your forehead to your knee hearing the ticking of yet another clock counting down to the date you no doubt would miss if you didn't suck up what was left of your pride and wiggle your arm up just enough to make another call.

Halfway across the school with his own lingering grin at the ten minute mark remaining in his final class Mr Durin joined his students in frequent glances at the clock on the wall as he shared the assignment he wanted completed over the weekend break. A sudden burst of 'Pocketful of Sunshine' erupted from his pocket widening his eyes through the snickers and failed muffled laughter of his class through the swaying and singing along form one of his young cousins sons. Digging in his pocket his grin splintered back across his face seeing your name pop up along with a stolen picture of you he had taken of you lost in your supply of buttons on his first stop into the shop. Looking up at the class he pointed saying, "No shouting," hitting the green bubble to answer your call in his turn towards his desk, lowly saying, "Hey, I um, have a few minutes left in my class."

Forcing a calm tone you replied, "Ya, sorry about that, just, um. I'm sort of stuck. And I was hoping you could help me."

His eyes narrowed, "Stuck with what? I'm sort of useless with hems."

At your sigh his feet shuffled in his glance back at the class trying to creep closer to listen in that all slid back to their seats far from subtly with wide grins pretending not to have moved. "No. I sort of tripped and now I'm stuck."

"Oh...um, there is only a few minutes." Facing the class he said, "Hold on a moment," lowering the phone blind to your shrug and mumble of, "What else am I gonna do?"

To the class he said, "Three chapters, full synopsis and for the love of anvils if I see one report based off the film you're all getting essay exams each week for the next three months. No fires, no breaking anything I trust you can be civil for-," he glanced at the clock, "Seven minutes." Raising the phone again to his ear he said, "Still on stage?"


"I am on my way."

A few hallways later, ignoring the stares of his cousins through the glass on their closed doors he hurried along until he was back in the auditorium curiously peering around, "I don't see you on the stage."

"Trust me, I'm on the stage." You could hear his boots crossing the polished wood floor in his swiveling gaze around the stage seeing a few models and some bits of the set still left out but no you, "Go past the smoothie machine."

He did, "Alright,"

"Look to your left." Your foot popped up as he turned and he spotted your foot, "Follow the foot."

Hanging up he moved around the machine and couldn't help but laugh seeing your head and leg popping out of the box, "I am so sorry-, I don't mean to laugh."

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