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"Are you two dating now?" Mingi pressed as Wooyoung left to go to the washroom. That left San alone to be interrogated by the six men.

San shook his head with a smile. "We just kiss. He doesn't understand most of his feelings or his sexuality. He just likes kissing, a lot," San explained. "I think he's just afraid of being gay because his dad made him think being gay was a bad thing. Either way, he loves me a lot, and I love him even more."

"He looks at you like you're his entire world," Yeosang commented. "It's beautiful."

"Yeah, he's really struggled trying to come to terms with himself these past two years. I personally don't think he's over the fact that he killed three people... but he had never been in those kinds of situations before so it was hard. It took awhile for him to get where he is now," San sighed.

He was proud of how far Wooyoung had come with accepting that he wasn't a bad person and moving on from the terrible things he had done. San didn't think it was terrible as those people all deserved to die, but Wooyoung thought that taking a life was condemning himself to a life of pain and suffering. He looked at himself as a failure and had felt so low for awhile that he struggled to get out of bed everyday. Though, San was there through it all.

"It took him some time to let me touch him like that too. Last year, he would never let me take his shirt off, let alone kiss past his jaw. He just... he just needed time to move on from the past," San explained as he listened to the sound of the sink running in their washroom.

"Is he better now?" Seonghwa questioned with a small frown.

"Much. A lot of times he actually makes the first move on me. He's not afraid anymore."

"He's just not ready to go back," Hongjoong hummed as he remembered what Wooyoung had said earlier.

San nodded. "His confidence might have grown, but he's still afraid to face his mother."

"About that," Jongho spoke up. "I've been keeping an eye on her, and she's disappeared."

"What do you mean?" San furrowed his eyebrows as he turned to look at the man.

"She's either hiding or she's dead. There is completely no trace of her anywhere," Jongho explained.

"Well, hopefully it's the latter," Wooyoung muttered as he re-entered the room. "Though I know that's probably not the case," he added as he took his seat next to San again.

"Don't worry, Woo. She won't-"

"Yeah she won't hurt me because I'm going to kill her."

All of the men paused as they took in the boy's words. San couldn't even speak as he had no idea what to say to that. He didn't want Wooyoung to think like that-think about murdering his own mother. Though San didn't mind the idea of the cruel woman dying, he also didn't want Wooyoung to burden himself even more. It would ruin him if he killed another person, especially if it was his mother.

"We aren't going to think about that right now, okay? What happened to being happy?" San questioned as he reached to hold the boy's hands in his own.

Wooyoung let out a sigh as he looked around the room. "I can't be happy until I fix what I started."

"Woo, you didn't do anything wrong," San tried, but there was no convincing Wooyoung otherwise.

"She won't stop, you all know that." Wooyoung then pointed to Hongjoong's foot. "Did she do that?" He questioned, watching as Hongjoong nodded. "See? She won't stop hurting those I love. I have to put an end to her before she puts an end to my happiness."

I got you kid - ateez/woosanWhere stories live. Discover now