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9:44 pm

i glanced down at my phone one last time making sure i had the picture pulled up so i could avoid the moments of silent awkwardness when trying to find it in the moment

i approached the small building reading the bold letters on the hood above the door


a tiny bell rang above me when i entered and my face was immediately illuminated with red light. the walls were covered in pictures, some of people, some of designs they offered. there was a small seating area to the right of the door with a black leather sofa and wood seating running across the window

the flooring was a dark brown and to the left side there was a small set of stairs which led up to a tiny seating area. my eyes were torn away from the scenery when i heard footsteps coming and walked towards the black display counter

a spunky redhead made her way behind the register and gave me a lazy smile, leaning her arm against the counter and resting her chin in her hand

"what can i do for you?" she spoke, her voice hoarse and the whites of her eyes slightly red

"a sternum tattoo" i quickly replied, taking a quick glance around the parlor before landing my eyes back to the girl in front of me

"got a reference picture or a design on the wall you see?" she faintly replied, looking me in the eyes. i nodded and showed her my phone to which she analyzed the picture for a second and hummed, slowly nodding her head

"id?" i set my phone on the counter and reached in my purse, opening my wallet and pulling out my id, smiling as i handed it to her

"lexi hm?" she quizzed, to which i nodded. she smiled and handed me the card back, picking up my phone

"do you mind? i'm just gonna get this printed and then you'll have it back" she smiled

"yeah no problem" i smiled back, making my way over to the black sofa as she disappears behind a corner. i look down and play with my acrylics anxiously waiting for the girl to come back with my phone in hand

a minute passes and i see my phone again, but in the tattooed hands of someone else. her black hair framed her face perfectly and her eyes were so vivid even from across the room. she had on a graphic black wife beater which showcased her toned arms perfectly, and some black sweatpants

"lexi?" she spoke, her voice almost alluring in a sense. like i had no power as i felt myself stand up and walk towards her. she sneakily eyed me up and down and brought her bottom lip between her teeth, pursing her lips up when we were face to face.

"this yours?" she asked, holding out my phone, to which i nodded and she smiled handing it to me. she was about to speak when a male voice cut her off

"yo b, i'll do her"

she turned around to face him and crossed her arms amused, "i'm sure you would dom" she snorted, making my cheeks flush. his eyes slightly widened at her comment and he scoffed

"she's getting it on her sternum, isn't that right, love?" she quizzed, her body shifting to face mine now. i nodded, butterflies in my stomach. she looked back at him and raised her brows in an accusatory way before facing me and smiling as she directed me towards the back

we walked into a small space that was closed off by a curtain, she motioned for me to sit on the tattoo chair as she grabbed a small black rolling chair adjusting the height of it

i unzipped my jacket revealing a loose v-neck crop top and layed down as i heard shuffling behind me. she rolled a tiny table next to her with everything she needed and grabbed a box of disposable gloves. i could feel her eyes examining my body

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