Snowy's eyes widened in surprise and she stuttered out, "O-Oh, um...thanks." 

Drew flashed her a smile and said, "Come on."

When they were about to enter the next room something fell on Drew, a dragon-like dark latex landed on him, but instead of Drew freaking out he pick the creature off his head, and after looking at it he noticed that the creature wanted to play.

Drew gazed at the adorable creature with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "You look like so much fun to play with, but Snowy has plans to introduce me to her brother."

The creature would look down sadly until Drew finished his sentence.

Drew's eyes sparkled mischievously as he finished the sentence, "...but I'll be back to play any game you want."

The creature would look back up with a happy expression hugging Drew around the neck.  Snowy didn't say anything because she wanted to see how Drew would interact with the yufeng cub.

The cub would fly into the next room while Drew and Snowy also enter the next room. The room had dark latex all over the ground, and crystals in random areas the adult yufeng latex were angrily looking at Snowy while the cubs just played with each other.

Snowy was unsettled by the way everyone was looking at her, due to the nature between the light latex creatures and the latex beasts she went from energetic to scared of being attacked by them.

Drew's concern was palpable as he looked at Snowy. "Hey Snowy, are you alright?" he asked. Snowy hesitated for a moment before admitting, "I don't feel very safe here." Drew's heart sank at hearing this. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked. Snowy hesitated again before replying, "I would love a hug, but I'm just not sure how everyone else would react."

  The yufeng dragons would start to approach, causing Snowy to end up clutching Drew in fear, while Drew took steps back to get away from the dragons, Drew nearly bumped into a  crystal while backing up and stopped after bumping into a wall.  A yufeng dragon started to reach towards Drew but before it could transfur him the yufeng cub from before flew right in front of the two trying to convince the older yufeng dragons to not harm the two or transfur Drew.

When Drew realized the cub was buying them time to get away Drew quickly grabbed Snowy by the hand and ran deeper into the latex dragon's territory, Snowy ended up losing consciousness due to her vulnerability to the large amount of crystals.

"Drew was calling out to Snowy, but she wouldn't budge. He tried again, a little louder this time. 'Snowy! Come on!' he urged. But Snowy remained still and silent. Drew grew concerned. 'Snowy? Hey, what's going on with you?' he asked with worry in his voice."

Drew despite being unaware that Snowy has a vulnerability exclusive to her, decided to not think too much about what happened and focus on the both of them out of there. Drew picked Snowy up and started to carry her on his back. Some of the adult yufeng dragons after seeing how Drew was helping a latex creature started trying to help guide Drew through the area until Drew entered a room containing crystals that were placed like a maze.

Drew saw something in the distance but couldn't understand what it was so he kept moving while avoiding the crystals, while he was progressing he heard a roar and crystals started to briefly stick out of the ground as well as a swarm of yufeng dragons now chasing him.

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