28. Prisoner Exchange

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"God, can't you just break up with her already?" Zachary huffed at Xavier as they walked with Enid and Ajax toward Dunn Rock.

Xavier shook his head. "Mila's literally your little sister. I dunno why you want me to break her heart so badly. Sounds like a pretty pathetic excuse of an older brother to me."

"Would you two stop arguing for once?! Wednesday could be in real trouble here, and you're arguing over a girl who just took time out of our day to help her!" Enid growled angstly. 

"Enid's right," Ajax agreed. "You're both acting like two-year-olds."

Zachary rolled his eyes. "I'm only looking out for Mila. My sister deserves better than some crackhead who doesn't even know what he wants."

"Xavier knows what he wants," Enid counter-acted. "You just don't know what that is."

Xavier nodded. "She's right. I don't share things with you, Zachary-- and obviously for a good reason."

"Where exactly is Wednesday supposed to be?" Ajax asked, hastily trying to change the subject.

The three others glanced at him.

The boy shrugged. "Geez, sorry. I've never been to Dunn Rock. I dunno what it looks like."

Xavier looked up at the large stone cave they were approaching and nodded toward it. "It looks like that."

The artist then turned his attention toward Zachary. "Do you remember the passcode?"

"How did you-- You've been here before?!" Zachary asked, completely dumbfounded.

Xavier shrugged. "Just a lucky guess."

Zachary eyed him back suspiciously as the four walked in unison up to the lock. "Seven, eight, four, star, eight, two, six, star."

Xavier let out a muffled chuckle. Zachary sounded just like his father when he had foolishly repeated the passcode to Timothy Anderson.

"Let's split up and look for--" Zachary began.

"No splitting up! That's how every single person in a horror movie dies!" Enid squealed anxiously.

Ajax nodded in agreement, but Xavier had already abandoned the group, looking- in every crack and crevice of the place- for Wednesday.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a dark shadow of a person curled in the corner of a cell.

 "WEDNESDAY!" He shouted.

"Xavier, be quiet, he is--" Wednesday began.

She was interrupted by a loud click that was heard next to Xavier's head.

"You know what that is, you goddamn outcast. My son is much brighter than you," said the voice of Michael Chapman.

The normal old man held a handgun to the side of Xavier's temporal bone.

Zachary came running down the hall with Enid and Ajax right behind him.

Mr. Chapman's face brightened with evil intentions as he tossed his son the key to Wednesday's cell. "Well, get to it, son. I don't have all day, and I'm not afraid to go back on my word and lock up all of these godforsaken wretches."

Zachary walked into the cell, unlocked Wednesday's hand from the chain that had bound her, and held out his hand for her to take.

She refused it.

"You are a fool if you think I am leaving this cell," Wednesday told Zachary.

Xavier quietly snickered from outside of the small cell. "We already knew he was a fool."

Wednesday's quickly glanced at Xavier as Mr. Chapman shouted in his ear, "SHUT IT! YOU'LL BE FIRST TO DIE, XAVIER THORPE!"

"Wednesday, c'mon, we don't have time. Let's get out of here," Zachary urged.

His father nodded. "Best listen to my son if you continue the desire to live."

Xavier balled his hands into fists. "Wednesday--" His voice cracked.

"I SAID SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH, BOY!" Mr. Chapman shouted, slamming the side of the gun onto the side of Xavier's skull.

Wednesday's anger escalated, but she had a plan.

Unfortunately, the plan included her taking Zachary's hand.

He tried to pull her out and away quickly, but ultimately failed.

As soon as Wednesday was out of the cell, she twirled around in a hypnotic motion and kicked the old man off of his feet, causing him to fall on his back and twist his ankle.

Michael Chapman cried out in pain as Wednesday grabbed the gun and held it to Zachary's head.

Xavier's eyes nearly popped out of his head while he watched the entire scene play out.

Enid stepped backward into Ajax's arms for comfort.

"Let the prisoners go or your son will die," Wednesday told the old man.

Zachary glared at the girl. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Wednesday ignored his emotion. "Shut up. You are a prisoner."

"He won't die today or tomorrow or any day by your hand," Mr. Chapman hissed from the ground.

"Yes," agreed a booming voice from the back of the hall.

The figure slowly walked closer and stepped into the light. 

It was none other than Timothy Anderson himself.

"Let the boy go, girl. You don't know who you're messing with today," Mr. Anderson politely demanded.

"Yes, I do," Wednesday disagreed.

Xavier reassuringly rested his hand on her shoulder and whispered, "I know you want to fight, but this isn't the place or the time. They're stronger than us, Wednesday."

Wednesday hated to agree, but there was no other option.

She quickly pulled the gun away from Zachary's head and shoved the boy on top of his weak excuse of a father. 

Just seconds later, the raven chucked a metal bar that had been lying on the ground at Timothy Anderson and hit him square in the jaw, making the man double back in pain.

She ran for it with Xavier, Enid, and Ajax.

There was nothing else to do.

There was no getaway car.

There was no hideout.

There was no assistance.

They were on their own, and there was no way out.

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