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Chapter 191: foal

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  Although he had this idea, Aoki looked at the gentle Gu Bei next to him, and what popped into his mind were all kinds of dangerous robots he created and the hidden weapons on his body that were hard to guard against.

   It is still a protective device that is allowed to be worn by the above. Although he looks gentle, but if he moves rough, it is definitely someone else who suffers.

   There is also his brother Gu Nan who looks exactly like him, tsk... I am afraid I will die a miserable death, so forget it.

  With the help of my brothers, the planning of Nuan Nuan's farm was completely completed, and then the reconstruction began.

  The cattle pen, sheep pen and chicken coop need to be refurbished, and a stable should be built. After all, Nuan Nuan still wants to raise a pony here.

  But in the end, there were two horses.

  The two are very beautiful white horses, they are twins, and they are very beautiful. When Gu Nan was choosing horses for his sister, he immediately fell in love with them.

  Two 10-month-old twin foals were weaned, restless when they left their mother for the farm and were soon put in clean stables.

   Nuan Nuan had been looking forward to their arrival for a long time, and walked over with the fodder airlifted by her big brother from other places in her hand, staring at the two little white horses who were obviously not a year old but much taller than herself with clean and clear eyes.

   "How are you guys?"

  She walked over holding the fresh fodder and said hello in a small and soft voice, afraid that she would scare them if she made a loud voice.

  The two little white horses locked together are snow-white all over, and their body is particularly well-proportioned and beautiful. The sideburns on their necks are soft and beautiful, and their tails are as beautiful as a waterfall.

  Although they look almost identical, they are still easy to distinguish.

  Because their eyes are different, the eyes of one of the white horses are as dark as obsidian, clean and pure, and the eyelashes are very long, which is very beautiful.

  The eyes of the other horse are ice blue, like translucent gemstones and the blue sea. These eyes are already beautiful.

   Nuan Nuan walked over in small steps, put the fodder in her arms into the manger, and then stared at the two foals.

  Three pairs of clean and beautiful eyes looked at each other. A few seconds later, Nuan Nuan tentatively stretched out her small palm and placed it nervously on the head of one of the white horses.

  She had already thought about it in her heart, if the two horses didn't like her, then...then spend more time together, the relationship is cultivated.

   But the result was unexpectedly good, the little white horse didn't escape her hand, Nuan Nuan successfully touched its head, with a bright and beautiful smile on his face.

   "You are so good."

  She murmured softly, and then tried to touch another little white horse, but it didn't avoid it either.

  The little girl became happier immediately, stopped and picked up the fodder with her hands and began to feed them.

  Seeing the two little white horses eat the forage in my hand, I feel so beautiful.

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