4 - mail

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Wasn't he in that house earlier?

At the post office down the hill, Duck was surprised to see that one of the puppets that he had seen baking with the others earlier was in the post office, showing no sign of coming down there.

" Eddie Dear " was his name.

Eddie : " glad seeing you brung the guests over to the post office , Wally ! I've been waiting to meet them for a looong time ! "

Duck : " but we just got here — ? "
Wally : " I'm glad too , Eddie ! they've all been quite busy , so they haven't had the time to meet the neighbours . haha ! "
Red : " busy with what ?! "

Their questions were ignored, of course.

Eddie : " and you must be Yellow ... I've heard all about you ! "
Duck : " how — "
Yellow : " YEAH ! "

Eddie : " come , Yellow ... Wally told me you wanted to help deliver the mail . "
Yellow mindlessly followed the man.


Red : " where did he just take him ? "
Wally : " to deliver the mail . "



Red : " what ? "
Wally : " oh , well , the mail is — "
Red : " I know what the mail is ! he just took the pet ! "

Wally : " the pet ? "
Wally was still smiling throughout the entire conversation. Was it even possible for him to frown?

Red : " aren't you supposed to get us to sign — like — a form ? he just took him somewhere that we don't even know about ! "
Wally : " but you do know ! Eddie's taking him around the neighbourhood . you've seen the neighbourhood . "

Red : " well , that doesn't give you authorisation to — "
Wally : " to have your ward taken somewhere not on the map without your legal permission ? yes , I suppose ... but he's not actually yours , is he ? "

Red : " what — ? "
Wally : " Roy Gribbleston . age unknown , but he's definitely above 30 . he's Doi/Manny Gribbleston's legal guardian . or , as you know him , Yellow Guy . "

Red : " how do you know all this information ?! "
Wally : " don't be silly , neighbour ! you're so funny .. "

Duck : " HE HAD A NAME ?? "
Wally : " oh , don't worry ! when I call my friends nicknames for too long , I tend to forget their names too ! haha !


337 words — Wally knows ur IP

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