𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝑾𝒉𝒐 𝑳𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒅

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Mr and Mrs Malfoy, of Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, England, were proud to say that they were perfect purebloods, thank you very much. They were the last people you'd be expected to be involved in anything even slightly muggle related, because that was just against their morals. They were also proud of their 4 sons, the 8 year old Castor, the 5 year old Altair, the 3 year old Atlas and their 1 year old, Draco.

Mr Malfoy, worked for the Ministry of Magic. He was a thin yet strong man with long platinum blonde hair, which he passed on to all of his sons. Mrs Malfoy was also thin yet powerful, she also had streaks of icy blonde in her otherwise brown hair. Although they had their own opinions on people other than purebloods their sons were given the freedom to decide their morals themselves, as long as no mud-sorry muggleborn stepped into their house.

The Malfoys had absolutely everything they wanted, but they also had a secret, and their greatest fear was that someone might discover it. They had a daughter to, barely a month younger than their youngest son. She was blood adoptedr she was left on their doorstep with a note. But, they didn't think they could bear if anyone found out the true identity of the girl. Aria Narcissa Malfoy used to Aria Lily Potter. She was the Girl who lived and she was now in the care of the Malfoys. For the rest of the world Aria Lily Potter was dead and Aria Narcissa Malfoy was the twin sister of Draco Lucius Malfoy.

When Mr and Mrs Malfoy woke up on the dull, grey Tuesday, our story starts. There was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening all over the country. Mr Malfoy although knew, that last night his lord had finally killed his opponent, James and Lily Potter. The two parents talked to the older 2 children while placing the younger 2 in their floating chairs so that they could match the height of the dining table. 

At half past eight, Mr Malfoy picked up his wand, pecked Mrs Malfoy on the cheek, pecked his son's foreheads and left to the ministry to get the report on last nights attack. Right outside the grill doors he apparated. 

After they had all had dinner at night and all 4 kids were put to bed a servant came with 2 cups of tea for the 2 Malfoys currently sat in the living room. "Narcissa, dear, the attack was a success but Severus couldn't pick up the child. He found himself unable to do so, like some sort of boundary was keeping him away from the child's cot. We have reasons to believ that this was the doing of Albus Dumbledore should our lord try to take the child instead of kill it. The child's location is now unknown."

"That's horrible, god knows where they have placed the little child. I have heard the Potter's child is even younger than our Draconis."

Mrs Malfoy seemed to be deep into thinking. Mr Malfoy didn't say another word on the subject, the both of them enjoying their evening tea in comfortable welcome silence.The both of them fell asleep soon after getting into their gigantic bed. 

At midnight someone wearing a long purple cloak with stars on them arrived outside the MAlfoy Manor. He was holding a little bundle and placed it right outside the front doors of the Manor. He pulled out a letter from one of the many magical pockets that he seemed to have and placed it next to the kid. After placing the letter he walked away a little before turninga way and apparating away with a pop. 

Sure to say the next morning when a house elf walked in to the dining room with a magical child in its arms, that also the child of the now deceased Lily and James Potter with a letter they were very surprised. None of the boys understood what was happening but they all still cooed at the girl. She was cute in their opinion.

"What is the meaning of this?" Lucius asked Narcissa, "How can Dumbledore actually be stupid enough to leave a child in front of manor gates. Was he hoping not to get caught? He failed miserably didn't he. Anything could've happened to the child, no matter whose kid it is." Narcissa read the letter aloud.

"Dear Lord and Lady Malfoy,
Thankyou for taking in the child of the Potter's, the Wizarding world will forever be grateful. Her name is Aria Lily Potter, and I ask that you do not change it. Raise her with hate, the only thing you felt against her parents or she is a half blood. Raise her to be the pawn that will kill your lord.
Come meet me in my office at noon to inform me whether you'll take the child or if I should deposit her to her muggle families home. Surely they can't hate the Potter's more than you.
Professor Dumbledore."

"I will go and remove his memory of Aria Lily Potter making it out alive. I'll alter his memories to make him think Aria Lily Potter passe away and we will blood adopt her and present to the world Aria Narcissa Malfoy, Draco Lucius Malfoys twin sister who was yet hidden due to complications with her birth and first year alive. When she is of appropriate age we'll tell her and the boys of the truth. No innocent child shall be harmed."

"Yes, thank you Lucius. We'll go blood adopt her tomorrow."

That very day, by noon Albus Dumbledore had no remembrance of Aria Lily Potter surviving the attack. For the wizarding world the Potter line had officially ended. But if only that was true...

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