14 - Bump (Ashton)

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one of my longest chapters yet, Y/N bumps her head and Ash takes care of her, written for vici_mxg as many of my imagines are 🥰😂

- requests are always open btw ❤️

You were so excited to finally see Ashton again after a week of both of you being pretty busy and not having time to see each other. But he had invited you over and you were so happy to see him again.

You sped into his driveway, almost running the side of your car into his mailbox.

The car door swung open and you bent over your console to get the book you had gotten for him. It was an affirmations book that you had seen as you had walked by the bookstore and it had reminded you of him with the design of a soft green background and detailed painted flowers on it and he loved books about self love and self help, so you had bought it.

You were looking forward to see his reaction to the present, you knew he’d like it and even though he always told people not to get him things, he loved it. And he deserved it, he was always there for you.

It was dark outside and you were focused on the book in your hands, not watching where you stepped or where your head was. Which bumped right into the edge of the car when you tried to get out, a dull sound echoing around the night.

You swore loudly, holding your head with the hand that wasn’t holding your car keys and Ashton’s book, one of your feet kicking the car.

Immediately, you swore even more, now also having aching toes. Grumbling, you locked your car and turned back around to see the small lights stuck into the grass turning on in Ashton’s front yard.

A moment later, his front door opened and he appeared with a concerned look. “I heard your swearing in my property”, he grinned when he saw you were not in a horrible accident.

“Ha.ha”, you grumbled, walking towards him and he let you past him to enter the house, “I hit my head”

“Aw, I’m sorry”, he said, but he was still smiling. The playfulness faded a little when you just pouted at him. Your forehead still hurt pretty badly.

“Does it hurt?”, he asked, while pushing your hand out of the way to feel over your head himself. You took in a sharp breath when he touched the sore spot.

“I’ll get you some ice, can you get to the couch by yourself?”, he asked. He was concerned for you, but he was still teasing you.

“Yea”, you rolled your eyes but laughed, “I’m not deathly injured”.

You heard his giggle disappear down the hallway, while you took off your shoes before you followed him.

“Thank you”, you mumbled, when he sat across you on the couch, carefully pressing the ice wrapped in a small towel to your head. His eyes were intently focused on the task and you couldn’t help but notice the different shades of hazel and grey and green in them. There was a small wrinkle between his brows, teeth biting into his lower lip in concentration. He was so pretty and most of the time he didn’t even realize it.

“You’re pretty”, you mumbled, before your brain had caught up with your thoughts.

Ashton laughed and jokingly asked if you were sure you weren’t badly injured but you saw the blush on his scruffy cheeks.

“You are”, you insisted.

“Shut up, I’m trying to take care of you”

“And I’m really thankful for that, I wouldn’t know what to do without you”

“Well, you wouldn’t have hit your head in the first place if you didn’t have me”, he grinned but it was vulnerable.

You didn’t say anything for a while, just letting him care for you, stroking loose strands of hair out of your face and rearranging the ice pad every once in a while.

“I got you something, by the way”, you remembered.

“You did?”, his eyes lit up in excitement and his dimples appeared but he quickly shook his head to hide the childlike excitement, “You shouldn’t have”
“It reminded me of you, so you better like it”, you smiled. You knew he’d like it, you were pretty sure of it, at least.

“It’s just-“, you shrugged, getting the book from the coffee table and handing it to your boyfriend.

His hazel eyes widened at the colorful blooming cover. Yep, he loved it.

“Thank you”, he said, taking it with one hand, while the other kept holding the ice. His eyes flickered between the book and you for a few moments, before he put the book back on the coffee table.

“I love it, thank you so much”, he assured you, “But I’ll look at it later, I wanna take care of you right now”

It was your turn to blush now, one part of you telling you, you should object and say he doesn’t have to but the other just wanted to be taken care of by him. Your past days had been stressful, you had missed him and besides that your head was still throbbing.

“Do you wanna watch something on tv?”, he asked when he pulled you into his body, getting both of you more comfortable on the couch.

“Or just cuddle?”, he added when you didn’t immediately respond and you nodded your head against his chest, before pulling a face at the pain surging through your head at the motion.

Ashton’s hand was quick to stroke over your head again. He had put the ice aside, not wanting to cause more harm than good with too much coldness. His fingers tangled in your hair and then he suddenly giggled.

“What?”, you asked.

“I think there’s a bump forming on you head”, he laughed.

“I’m so happy that you find my pain amusing”

“Sorry, baby”, he laughed a little more, before bending down to kiss the bump he had found.

“Don’t kiss it, it hurts”, you complained.

“Does it?”, concern was back in his voice and your grinned.


You felt him shake his head, laughing too, before he bent down again, repeatedly kissing the top of your head and squeezing you in his arms. It made you feel safe, it was the comfort you had needed.

“Can I do anything else?”, he asked, continuing the stroking moves of his fingers in your hair. He had probably tangled them up in it like he did almost every time because he would get lost int playing with your hair and tangle his fingers until he would struggle to get them out again.

“No, just hold me please”, you said and he happily complied to that with a quiet ‘okay’ and more kisses to the top of your head.

You stayed cuddled up in each other for the next few hours until Ashton admitted he had to pee as if that was a crime. Then rushed back on the couch to wrap you back in his arms until you feel asleep and when you woke up, he made you breakfast with more ice for your head. His fingers massaged the now dull ache on your head, while his other skipped through his new book, reading some of the words aloud every once in a while and smiling widely at you, while thanking you again for some book that had caused you to hit your head so hard it had caused a bump.

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