Chapter 01

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None of my works are beta-read, please excuse any typos and grammar if you see any. But if you have the time, you can help me by fixing the mistakes in the comments.

I've not read the manga of My Hero Academia and I'm not fully confident that I'm able to have the setting canon...

I will hopefully get to know their universe more like Demon Slayer (read the manga) while I type out the chapters and read the manga!

Well anyway, enough of my rambling, and enjoy the chapter!

Feedback and Votes are appreciated! °˖( ˘˘ *:)°˖

"Hah... Hah..."

Tanjiro pants in exhaustion as he walks through the wet forest, sweat streaming from his forehead.

It's been two hours since he got himself lost in this forest when he unknowingly was brought here as he reminisced about Giyu's talk of Sabito after the attack on the swordsmith village which he encountered that upper moon 4 along with Nezuko and thankfully two other hashira.

What was even stranger, his sister who was supposed to be at the Butterfly Mansion with the girls is with him and appears to be able to shrink despite being informed of the changes she is undergoing.

He didn't know what to do. He had been encountering strange demons who stressed him out so much, surprising him. Guessing their power level, it's near a lower-rank demon but incomparable to the upper demon siblings he encountered in the Red Light District.

He gritted his teeth in frustration, gripping the strap of the box where his younger sister was resting. If only he had been stronger, he always would think. But he's still exhausted and hasn't fully recovered.

A scent of aura seeped past his nose making him still and fix his position, keeping his hands on his secondary sword. He scanned his surroundings, relieving his breathing in deep breaths and then making it into a normal state.

A whistle of wind blew past his ear making him quickly jump back in surprise at the force that nearly pushed him before hearing childish laughter ringing across the trees. He could not deafen where the sound was coming from, cautiously backing off, sniffing the air.


He swiftly moved his feet to his right to find a small silhouette, launching to his previous position now standing still, glaring at Tanjiro.


A sketchy, low laughter rang through the forest. He frowned at the stench scent that was being spread across from left to right. He shivered at the slimy sensation he felt groveling on his leg and hurriedly ran back, away from that scent he was sensing.

"W-where do y-you think... you're going?!"

A huge slash came towards him, making him swiftly dodge only to hear a snap and the strap on his right shoulder slip from him. Unable to take the balance from the bumpy structure of the unknown forest, he tripped, making the box trip over him.

Tanjiro panicked, trying to reach for the box his sister was resting in only to feel himself getting pulled back by his foot.


A horrifying face appeared right below his left foot with beautiful swirling blue eyes. It was like the color of the clear sky. He couldn't help but find it mesmerizing, making him blink in a daze.

'Agh! I'm getting distracted! Where's Nezuko?!'

He quickly took out the sword that Hotaru Haganezuka, his swordsmith, recently polished from that doll he defeated with the help of Kotetsu and slashed off the demon from his foot without hesitation. He quickly got up and ran towards the box that was falling from his reach.

"Y-you think you can... g-get away?!"

The demon slowly withered its pieces away and put them back together.

He knows... He really does... But it still worries him, will there be side effects? Who will take care of her and help with continuing to return her back to humanity? Lady Tamayo? Lady Kocho?

'They're not here to solve your problems! Do what you always can... Think!'

He slowly inhaled before gripping his sword and planned to counterattack whatever was to come. He didn't need to worry... after all, did he just face the twelve Kizuki  in his previous battles? He just needs to...


A huge impact was thrown on his abdomen. He frowned deeply and was frightened at not being able to smell any scent when the impact hit. His breath got knocked out of him making him gasp for air out of instinct, clenching his chest.

Wasn't he not healed enough to use his strength? No, he's sure Shinobu gave him permission to get out of bed knowing he had healed, and if there was anything wrong that made him feel this weak she would have informed him.


He turned his head quickly making him regret as soon as his sore neck started aching him. His eyes widened in surprise to find it almost dawn but what was worse was there a black purplish puddle slowly forming into a pond.

What stood near it and nearly spread towards...


Nezuko had fallen out of her box as she rubbed her eyes drowsily. The demon grinned from ear to ear swirling his fingers with a slimy purplish substance running through them.

'Blood Demon Art...'

Wavering Time Whorl!

Tanjiro jumped with all his strength to at least push her out of the attack range but was too late, his hand only reached the box and his sister's confused expression, and turned to see her brother stretching his arms after grasping the box into his arm. She happily reached her arms towards him but then felt as if she was sucked up before blacking out.

Tanjiro desperately screamed, feeling the same grief when he thought he lost her at the swordsmith village during the battle. Nothing escaped the strange twirling black purplish substance as it greedily sucked Tanjiro into itself.

Demons are cunning and evil creatures yet they are also pitiful and tragic creatures.

'Was that where it ends..?'

He started thinking of all the kind people he met and cared for on his long and difficult journey as a demon slayer.

He blankly saw white crystals shimmering around them, turning and forming into the shape of flowers.

He couldn't help but pause and stare in wonder as he now finds himself wrapping her into his embrace, tears unknowingly pouring down, staining his cheeks.


He tearfully closed his eyes to feeling enchanted by his surroundings. Sparkling particles fly around making Tanjro nauseous, fainting in the process.


Noises started ringing in his ear. He felt like he was walking in his wonderland, not able to know what was going on. Strange yet familiar words were going through his ear and out. All he wanted to do right now was wake up and see Nezuko again...

But was that even possible?

Strange scents of neither human nor demon started lurking and messing with his sense of smell.


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