Cruel Summer

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I clutched my hand against the heavy fabric of my gown and slightly raised the hem to my shin's level to give my feet the freedom to run. The heel of my sophisticated dress slippers buried mid-way to the fine summer sand as I staggered my way to the love I longed for years.

He stood at the edge of the shore, the sea reaching for his ragged, leathered boots. His long hair danced to the rhythm of the breeze—almost knocking off his shabby tricorne that still looked good sitting on top of his head. He spread his welcoming arms as I encaged myself in his embrace, consoling my yearning heart with his warmth.

I unwrapped my arms and reached for his face, tracing every detail—his pointed nose, longing eyes, and luscious lips. I miss every part of him. I touched his lips while looking deep into his alluring green eyes. He seemed to understand the burning desire in my eyes as he slowly inched towards me, then our lips touched. His blazing heat took over me. He is flaming more than the scorching summer sun. He took off his torn waistcoat as I untied the lace of my dress. I broke free from the suffocating grip of my corset and the dragging weight of my petticoat—I am now left with only my inner chemise dress. He cupped my face closer to his until our foreheads touched, and our noses met. I once again throw a glance at his plump lips. I can still feel the remnants of his intimate kisses.

His lips formed an upward curve as he pulled his face away from mine. He intertwined our fingers and ran to the sea, slowly pulling me with him. We chased the waves, played with the water, and listened to each other's laughs. I wish we were always this normal and happy and spent our summers together as ordinary people do.

He is Marion, a pirate, and I am Crimson, a commoner. He is cursed by the sea witch, and I am wanted for being mistaken as a Salem witch. I met him five years ago while I was strolling on the sand. I saw his ship sailing not too far from the shore. Our eyes met, and an unexplainable feeling came over. I wondered why such a huge sea vessel was floating near the shore. He told me from the front deck of his ship that he missed being on the land. From then on, I often went to the coast, expecting to see him. He would sometimes invite me to board his ship as we talked about our lives. I knew about his curse, and he learned about the bounty on my head. Then, an unexpected love sailed.

I snapped back to reality. We, later on, decided to go ashore and put our clothes back. I was tying the lace of my long red dress while he was putting on his waistcoat, standing at the shore near the water, when I suddenly heard a loud gunshot. We both froze. I looked back and saw two huntsmen; one was pointing his gun at me while the other was wickedly watching the smoke coming out from the muzzle.

The year is 1692 in a secluded forest in the province of Massachusetts Bay. A woman in a red gown accused of an unguilty crime found solace in a cursed pirate who can only be ashore once in a hundred years.

Blindfolded by my desire to reach the border where the waves kiss the shore, I walked on a sandy flower path of fragrant memories. They seemed to be vivid yet agonizing. Every step was precious yet tormenting. I felt the scarlet blood coating my hollowed chest; the viscous liquid started spreading across the crimson silk of my dress. I can't help but shed tears silently as a quiet lamentation.

"Woe is our cursed love in this unforgiving, cruel summer." I whispered my last words.

Slowly, my limbs began to numb, and the sight of my miserable beloved clouded my eyes; my cold body collapsed to the cradle of death as I succumbed to the flashing reminiscence of our ill-fated but sweet everlasting love.

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