"I cannot do anything to change what is already written on your report card, Ms. Schmeid. Your previous Potions professor has also marked you absent for all your classes as well. So you have no choice but to retake all your first year potion classes."

The cold man did not budge. She was begining to believe that ber theory about him being emotionally available only to his dead lover could be true. She rolled her eyes, "This is ridiculous. I doubt you could even teach me anything that I don't already know in this class."

"Really?" Severus raised his brows in amusement, curious to see the intellectuall capabilities the daughter of one of the brightesy wiych in hogwarts possessed. "Tell me then, Miss Schmeid. What would I get if added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"I don't know," she said which cause a person who apparently did not understand sarcasm sniggered aloud in the class.

Before Crabbe, Goyle and the other slytherin students could snigger along with him, Draco Malfoy's laughter halted when two pairs of similar black obsidian eyes glared at him. The young Malfoy wizard knew that the potion professors despite being his godfather did not allow anyone to take liberties to him despite personal relarioships. Snape would spent more time to teach him, but that was how far his godfather-godson relationship gave him. That was why Draca was confused as to why the usually cold hearted wizard he knew seemed to tolerate this young witch from Drumstrang who acted more haughty than he does, even having the gall to act condescending in front of his godfather.

Sorrell rolled her eyes at confused exprewsion before continuing, "Certain potions react differently depending on the wizard's magic level. Why don't you go chug a bottle of the Draught-of-the-living-death to find out?"

Snapes pointed gaze left his pompous godson who he knew only laugh thinking that it would please him if he embarrass the young witch with jet-black hair and eyes same as his. He stare at the young witch, impress with her persistent attempts to make him upset with her spiteful words. Severus did not find offense because he understood. In terms of personality, it would seem he and his daughter had a lot more similarities, than her mother.

She was angry like he was during his own youth. He was angry at everyone, at the world, at fate for having to carry so much burdens when he was not yet given the chance to grew up. He knew she was also a lot of difficulties at the moment. Like her, he would often lash out by making his enemies bleed to death with no knife but words. Though he would prefer the young girl use her sharp wits for her advancement instead of insulting him and others, Severus was happy to see she had inherited her mother's intelligence. He hopes to discover more about the his duaghter and converse with the outspoken, bright witch but knew he had to start his class.

"Thank you, Miss Schmidt," said Snape. "For demonstrating your advance knowledge in potion. Unfortunately, you are still required to attend my classes." Before Sorrell protest, the strict Potions professor offered a compromise. "You can sleep, read a book, or work on your tasks in other subjects while in my class. You can do whatever you want as long as you don't disturb the other students or explode this lab. Take a seat."

No one else spoke afraid to be caught in the crossfire, as they watch the tranferee from drumstrang, send a final glare at their potions professor amd walk at the end of the room, and sat at the only table at the slytherin's side that was left empty.

"Note this down. The reason we alter the dosage of ingredient for certain potions because their desired effect may turn out differently for those with individuals with less or more magic. Asphodel and wormwood are used to make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught-of-the-living-death."

Everyone was surprised by the interaction between the tranferee who was now resting as she lay her head on the table with a pillow she transfrigured from a book, and their strict professor who did not appear angry at all. They were so shock that one particular redheaded student forgot the warnings of his brother about the strict potion professor who harbored great dislike for their house.

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