Meeting a doctor

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(YN Pov) 

I was dreaming that i was with my family smiling and laughing in the park as my father and mother smile but when i see the gang with guns i yell no and when they pull the trigger i gasp and wake up as i breath heavily and try to forget about the memory as i get up and go to my food stash and grab a can of peaches as i use my knife to open the can and eat out of it as i go to the front of the van and take the black sheet i had on it and see it's dark outside as i finish eating and throw the can outside as i look at the night i enter my thoughts. 

YN: *Thoughts* If i'm gonna be out tonight i'm gonna need to arm myself. Knowing carnivores they like to hunt at night. So they'll probably try and eat me. My as well grab what i need. 

I go in the back of my van and grab a pistol, my small shotgun which i put in the holster on my back and grab my assault rifle and put a suppressor on as i sling it on my back and exit my van as i close and lock it as i find a big sheet and put it over my van after i make sure it's covers i walk in the night city with barely anybody around and a few stores open and i see an ally and walk through it and i see a ladder and climb it as i see the city as i enter my thoughts. 

YN: *Thoughts* This city, it's beautiful. I've never seen anything like since I've been in New York City. 

???: Oww! Let me go!

???: Shut up kid!  

I look down and see a lion and wolf dragion a little deer who was struggling as they take him inside the build next to me and i go and climb down the ladder and walk towards the door as i knock on it hard and i hear footsteps and the slide hatch opens showing eyes as they look around before the man yells.

Man: Who Is it!? Hello!? What the hell? *Opens door* 

I see a hyena walk put as i grab him and put him in a choke hold as he struggles and i break his neck as it cracks and i lay his body down and i enter the building with my assault rifle in my hands as i take the suppressor off and walk as i hear voice in a room with a door open as i go behind the wall and look inside as i'm shock to what i see, i see herbivore children in cages with numbers on their feet and i see a couple lions in suits talking the lion and the wolf as i listen in on what they are saying.

Lion in suit: How soon can they be ready to eat?

Wolf: In a little while. Just need to figure out their meat portion.  

Lion in suit: well don't take to long. We, the Shishigumi, don't like our time wasted. 

Lion: We understand. 

I look at the lions in suits, and since they wear the same suits, then their probably the shishigum he was talking about but i see a sheep boy looking at me as i see his eyes are begging for help as i nod and motion him to stay quiet, as i check my guns ammo, and i say my three favorite words. 

YN: One batch. Two batch. Penny and dime.  

I kick the door open and before they have time to react i shoot killing the lion and wolf as they fall dead and i see one the lions in suits draw his guns but i shoot him as he falls dead and i kick the table down and take cover  as i reload and i hear the lion yell. 

Lion in suit: Get the others! There's someone here!  

I peak and fire killing one lion and they shoot as one hits me in my vest but i just keep shooting as they take cover and i keep shooting till i run out then i fire my grenade launcher making them fall down as i throw the assault rifle down and draw my shotgun and walk slowly as one of them get up but i just shoot him in the head as i shoot another in the chest as i see two more come from a door and i shoot one in the chest as yell and charge at the second on as i push him against the wall and use my shotgun and wack him in the face as i go to hit him again but he grabs the gun and forces it out of my hands as he slashes my arm but i grab hi arm and trip him and i draw my pistol and shoot him three times in the face as i sheath my pistol and pick up my shotgun and make my way to where the children are but i see them look in fear before i look behind me only to be pick up and shoved to a wall and he starts puching me on my side as i grunt and his claws puncture my side as i yell and draw my combat knife and stab the lion in the eye as he screams and i continue to stab him in the head getting blood all over my face and vest as i stop and sheath my knife and walk towards the children as they back in fear but i open the door and try to calm them down. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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