"I'm sick of this," Damon pulled a pair of sigil etched cuffs out of his back pocket, Sam did the same.

"You really think that's gonna work?" Dean took the challenge head on.

"Only one way to find out," Sam squared his shoulders and prepared himself for one hell of a fight.

Before any of the three men could move a tear grenade came flying into the bar after breaking a window; Sam fell to the ground in a fit of coughs, Dean and Damon were unaffected. Damon ran at Dean and tackled him to the ground, as soon as they were down Dean punched Damon's lower jaw but Damon stayed on top of him and fumbled with the cuffs. Dean took the opportunity to grab the leg of the chair next to him and swing it into Damon, splintering the wood around them. Dean grabbed one of the broken pieces and jabbed it into the middle of Damon's chest, just missing his heart. While clutching his chest, Damon rolled off of Dean and onto the floor with a groan of pain.

As soon as Dean had his feet under him, he suddenly had a gun pointed in his face.

"Oh, now what?" Dean asked exasperated.

The military looking man looked impressed with himself, "Wow. It's really you."

Dean looked at him confused, "We met?"

The man shrugged, "Talked on the phone."

"Right. Right. You're the guy who was supposed to put a bullet in Sammy's Brian," Dean motioned towards Sam sarcastically, "Did you miss?"

"Well, I had a better idea. I figure if I let your bro escape, he'd go running to you, and all I had to do was just tag along. And now here we are, finally. Dean Winchester," the mystery man motioned with his gun towards Dean.

Dean rolled his eyes, "Great, a groupie."

"You remember me?"

"Yeah, yeah, you're that guy...from that thing."

"Nyack, New York, June 21, 2003."

"Is that supposed to ring a bell?"

"It was the night you gutted and murdered a man by the name of Edward Trenton. He was my father," the need for revenge was written all over Edward Trenton's young son, Cole.

"Okay," it was clear that Dean didn't care.
"'Okay'?" Cole Trenton was shocked by the sheer amount of apathy from Dean.

"Well, hey, I'm not saying I didn't slice and dice your old man. I'm just saying that he wasn't the first, and he certainly wasn't the last, and they all just kind of get blended up."

"I saw you, that night, after. You let me live. That was dumb; real dumb. I spent half my life training for this moment. I've played out this fight a thousand times in my mind. And I know all about you, Dean-o. And you're good. Oh, you're real good. But, you see, I'm better," Cole taunted, trying to evoke some sort of emotion from Dean.
Dean put his arms out and brought his chest forward slightly, "Prove it. Take the shot."

"Now, that's not payback," Cole holstered his gun and pulled out a knife, "this is payback."

Cole lunged towards Dean, who easily shoved him aside and to the ground, taking his gun in the process and releasing the chamber before letting all of the bullets fall to the ground. Cole got his feet under him again and stood ready for another blitz attack.

"You know, and I'm just spitballing here, but, uh, maybe you are not as good as you think you are," Dean teased the young man just as he switched his fighting stance, "Oh...you know Kung Fu?"

"I know everything," Cole said just before starting another run at Dean, again he was knocked the ground like he weighed nothing.

"What did you think was gonna happen, huh? You just stroll up here and say 'my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die,' and I'd just roll over?" Dean mocked Cole again, "well, that's just- it makes me sad."

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